Title: adamant
Rating: G
Fandom: Sol Trigger
Relationship: Cyril/Lars
Wordcount: 623
Short summary: Lars wants to be “cool” for Cyril but Cyril keeps insisting that Farel was much cooler…for a good reason.

“It just is!”


“It just is…”

At first when Lars asked Cyril about his father Farel, he wasn’t surprised by the praise she gave Farel. Even though the feats that he, that they achieved together were pretty impressive and necessary to fulfill his father’s and everyone’s hopes and dreams. Fran and Valter had also said many great things about Farel; Fran had even been so moved by Farel that she “switched” sides. But when Cyril couldn’t really describe how Farel was much cooler, much more heroic than him, Lars started to get frustrated. He asked again and received a stomp of feet and a glare. Then he asked a third time, leading to this moment.

Okay, Lars knows he’s still a dork (Wilma and Klotho gleefully remind him on the regular) but it’s not strange to want to be considered “cool” by your lover, right? He wants to be cool so that he can protect her, that he can keep her smile, that he can keep her warm inside and out. But pushing on this subject when Cyril is adamant on her position is not leading anywhere good. He’s realized this and should apologize but…

“Because of that, he left us.”


Lars is taken aback by the sudden quiet, sad tone. He left us… Does she mean how…?

“I don’t want to lose you, Lars! I don’t want or need you to be more of a hero, not anymore. I…”


Lars takes Cyril into his arms, bringing her body to his, her head to his chest. She’s not shedding tears but her whole body is shaking. Maybe his father would have pat Cyril’s head like the child she was to him, but Lars is not his father. He is Cyril’s equal, her partner. He tries his best to be a solid, soothing presence.

“I just want you to stay here… With me…”

“I understand.” Lars lets Cyril move back a little so she can look up at his face and flashes Cyril his most lopsided, silly smile. “I’ll be so uncool you’ll never lose me.”

It does feel strange to say that, but if that means Cyril giggles… “That’s right! So don’t worry about changing. You’re best the way you are right now.”

“Hmm?” Lars feels a flush of warmth flood his body. He can’t help what words come out his mouth next. “You mean as the warmth surrounding and holding you?”

“Y-yes!” Cyril stutters. She bumps her forehead lightly against his chin. “You’re so…argh…”

Lars is an idiot at times, yes, but he’s experienced enough to know that Cyril’s both pleased and embarrassed. So he just tilts her face up and kisses her. She kisses back aggressively, biting at his bottom lip. Lars knows she’s probably feeling a mix of emotions right now: annoyance (that he cut her off), frustration (that he made her feel embarrassed), desire (that he be hers). He accepts this all and more, and they are both breathing hard afterwards.

“Cyril…” Lars murmurs, moving a hand up to stroke Cyril’s cheek. “I’m sorry about earlier.”

Cyril smiles. “That’s alright. I understand where you were coming from.” She sticks her tongue out at him. “Idiot.”


She laughs as she pulls out of his embrace. She doesn’t leave; she takes his hand.

“You can make it up to me by buying me some candy from the shop that just opened up.”

“Wait! I’m not sure I have…”

But he does have enough money, and they also have lunch out together, turning the make-up outing into a nice little date in the end. This is not how Lars thought his conversation with Cyril would turn out in the end, but he’s very much fine with the outcome.

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