Title: black
Rating: G
Fandom: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Relationship: Shinonome Ryoko/Takamiya Yuki
Wordcount: 568
Short summary: When the 15 of them find clothes to wear among the supplies, Yuki is surprised that Shinonome gives her opinion, that Yuki should wear black because it suits her.

When the 15 of them find clothing to wear among the supplies, they find there are black pants and black skirts, and sets of white shirts and black shirts. The men head off to one side, the women to another. Yuki finds herself next to Shinonome. She feels like she’s been constantly next to the pale woman…well, they are all pale, but Yuki still thinks of Shinonome as a ghost, and still has to remember that this Shinonome doesn’t have headaches and won’t just pass out because of said pain, and thus doesn’t need all those bandages…

“You should wear black.”


Yuki supposes she had been absentmindedly juggling the two options for shirts in her hands while her mind had been elsewhere. Still, she’s surprised that Shinonome has addressed her. Almost all their interactions in the simulation and afterwards had been about business, so even if Yuki had developed a strange fondness for this wraith-looking woman…

“It suits you.”

Shinonome apparently paid some attention to Yuki as well? Yuki is a bit flustered about all this. She’s never really taken a compliment well, although it doesn’t help that most of the time when some guy “complimented” her it was for some other agenda. For their ego, not hers. But Yuki is 100% sure Shinonome’s assessment of her looks, her style, her…has no pretense. Why would Shinonome need to when she’s prettier…

“Okay…” Well, black it is. Yuki frankly is pretty comfortable with all black. Her old school uniform was like that. Her hair is long and black. A white shirt has a bit more of this “properness” that Yuki doesn’t like. Although having to button up this shirt is a bit annoying with Shinonome’s eyes on her, evaluating her.

“Everything good now?” Yuki almost growls as she finally manages to button the shirt past her breasts. Good enough for decency, plus Shinonome has buttoned up about the same.

Shinonome nods. “Yes.” But the eyes remain. It’s starting to make Yuki’s skin itch.

“Then can you stop…looking at me?” Yuki feels her cheeks heat up. “It’s kinda…you know…”


Shinonome shakes her head. “Takamiya…Yuki.” She says Yuki’s name so slowly, Yuki finds herself choked up in anticipation. “Thank you.”

“Huh?” That’s not what Yuki is expecting to hear. She was expecting something like…”alright, I’ll stop looking.” So does that mean…

“For taking care of me.” Shinonome pauses. “Back then. Now. And in the future.”

Yuki’s blush is probably in full bloom now. She can’t help but look aside, hands reaching up into her black hair. “Well…it’s not like I can leave you alone…” She clears her throat, regains her cool exterior. “Treat me to some juice then.”

Shinonome nods. “Alright.” And then smiles so genuinely, it almost reverses all of Yuki’s effort to maintain a cool expression. “I’ll be back soon.”


With quiet footsteps Shinonome is already on her way out to who knows where. Because they still are going through all the supplies that came with their lifepods and is juice really among the foodstuffs? Yuki hopes Shinonome doesn’t actually stay away until she can find juice, because Yuki would like…

“Oh! You chose black!”

“And you picked white, of course.”

Yuki smiles as Natsuno bounds over towards her. Well, she’ll get distracted by Nat-chan. Then it will be alright to have her treat from Shinonome later…she might be looking forward to that, a lot...

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