Title: blue
Rating: G
Fandom: Blue Reflection, specifically Blue Reflection Tie
Relationship: Kinjou Yuki/Miyauchi Rena
Wordcount: 272
Short summary: Rena feels blue inside.

Rena sighs as she lays down on the bench and looks up at the sky, the blue, cloudless sky, which is just like her heart but also not like it. The sky is blue because they are surrounded by water, and the water is blue because of when light enters the atmosphere, it scatters more blue wavelengths or something like that. Although is there a point to remembering knowledge learned for school, when the future is so uncertain?

Well a certain someone whose name sounds the same as “blue” in Japanese would probably tell her to stop being so “blue” herself. Just because they are surrounded by blue, it doesn’t mean one has to feel blue inside, right?

But how can Rena stop feeling this way? Remembering Yuki…remembering the Yuki from before this time… It’s easy for Rena to feel depressed. What does Yuki feel? How can she impose her feelings on Yuki, poor Yuki, who didn’t want to answer and hurt Rena, yet it still hurts, this wall between them, this distance…

The funny thing is that Rena, even without her memories, always had her eye on Yuki. She had been drawn to Yuki’s energy, drawn to Yuki’s smile. Rena had wanted to see that smile, see that happiness. She had wanted to protect it. So perhaps it just means, somewhere deep inside, Rena has always been and will always be in love with Yuki.

Rena sighs once more. Maybe that’s it. Just like how the sky looks blue, the water looks blue, Rena will also be blue inside. She should just put on a brave face and keep on…moving forward…yeah…

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