Title: moonlight
Rating: G
Fandom: Akiba's Beat
Relationship: Aihara Mizuki/Tachibana Asahi
Wordcount: 422
Short summary: On a walk home, under the moonlight, Asahi thinks about how the Mizuki beside him is like his moon.

It starts as a stray thought, a hint of an image that Asahi sees as he walks with Mizuki down the quiet alleyways. Away from the bright sounds and noises of the main streets, there’s a chance for the full moon to take stage. And with his cream-colored skin, gentle blue eyes and soft brown hair, Mizuki looks really great under the moonlight. He looks like he’s glowing.

Even if the characters for Mizuki do not include the character for “moon”, Asahi still thinks Mizuki fits well with the moon. Because if Asahi is the sun, he needs his moon to balance him. He needs his moon to reflect his light, to remind him of his good qualities. And of course, no matter the distance, no matter the amount of time, the sun will always chase after the moon and…


“Huh?” Asahi sees that Mizuki has stopped in front of him looking a bit concerned. “Sorry, were you saying something?”

Mizuki sighs. “No, but you started to lag behind. What’s got your attention?”

Oh, for Mizuki to look at him with that expression… Even if it’s embarrassing, Asahi is compelled to be honest. With a blush he answers Mizuki quietly.

“You…and the moon.” Asahi looks away and mumbles, “You look really nice in the moonlight.”

There’s a pause, and then a cough. “What?” When Asahi doesn’t say anything more, Mizuki adds, “You’re serious?”

Asahi dares to look at Mizuki’s face once more. Even under the moonlight there is a visible tinge of red.

“Yeah…” Asahi won’t take his words back. Yes it’s awkward to admit this to a guy that 1) is oblivious to his looks and popularity 2) Asahi might have started to fall in love with. Asahi’s not sure but he doesn’t think it matters yet. As long as he and Mizuki can be together like this…

“Asahi.” Mizuki is smiling. “I think you look pretty good too.”

“Huh?” Asahi feels his blush deepen. Did Mizuki…really just say that?

Mizuki chuckles. “Let’s continue on home. They’ll all yell at me if we both show up late tomorrow.”

They…like Saki and the others… Asahi watches Mizuki resume walking, taking three steps before Asahi remembers how to move again. Seriously, Mizuki just casually dropping that and changing the subject… Well, Asahi better keep up. After all, he can’t just let his moon get too far ahead, right?

(And under the full moon, a small new light is born in Mizuki’s heart. But Asahi will only know of it some weeks later…)

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