Title: rhythm
Rating: G
Fandom: Kiseki, specifically Kuro no kiseki
Relationship: Sarah/Van Arkride
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: She dances to one rhythm, he runs at another.

As a performer she is well-tuned to various rhythms and patterns. She sees them all around her, feels them with her whole being.

With her feet she steps to them. With her fingers she strums to them. With her mouth she speaks to them. With her heart she beats to them.

Around him, her heart beats at an elevated rhythm. It’s more than obvious what that means, even without the blushing or the stuttered words.

She’s embarrassed about her feelings but not in denial. Sure, Shahina teases her but at least she doesn’t need to lie.

She can just dance.


He’s not a performer but he is good at seeing patterns. He analyzes them sometimes before he even knows what they mean.

With his eyes he watches. With his ears he hears. With his feet he steps. With his heart he feels.

She dances to one rhythm, he runs at another.

(He runs.)

He is attracted to her, charmed by her. Falling would be so easy. But he would be bad for her. He still has unfinished business, such as the problem of not really being human so…

He could dance to her rhythm, but he won’t. He never will.

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