Title: spark
Rating: G
Fandom: Sakura Wars
Relationship: Kamiyama Seijuro/Shiba Reiji
Wordcount: 543
Short summary: Seijuro checks in on Reiji in the hangar and finds there’s a good reason Reiji hasn’t been outside in a while.

“So, how was it? Moves pretty good, right?”

Seijuro had just come to the hangar to see if Reiji was doing okay since it had been a while since he last saw Reiji outside. He didn’t expect to get accosted right away and forced into this “spiracle” that Reiji had been making on the side ever since things had calmed down around Tokyo. But after piloting it around the test area, Seijuro understands why Reiji has not been seen much outside of the hangar, even though the Imperial Revue has spent more of their time working on shows than on fights. When Reiji is motivated, he can really go hard for days without thinking about anything else.

“It’s not quite like my mugen, but it’s getting closer,” Seijuro says with a smile. He gives Reiji a light punch on the arm. “You’re really amazing, Reiji.”

Seijuro expects Reiji to punch him back but instead Reiji steps back and looks a little…worried? “Woah there. Aren’t you being nicer than usual today?” Reiji’s expression hardens. “What’s your goal?”

Seijuro frowns. “Goal?”

Seijuro doesn’t understand why the mood has soured suddenly. Is it really strange of him to give Reiji a compliment? Sure, they used to be very competitive, but it was always in a way to make each other better, right? And ever since he almost…lost…Reiji, Seijuro knows he couldn’t just assume that idiot would know how he felt, about how essential and amazing…

Reiji scoffs. “I’ve seen you with the girls. I know your words of praise don’t come without some other motive. So what do you want from me now? Lunch? Dinner? Dessert?”

There’s a teasing glint to those brown eyes and Seijuro realizes belatedly he’s been played. He decides to just play it straight. “I’m just happy to see that spark in your eyes.”

This produces another rare reaction. Reiji’s eyes widen, and is that a little hint of red on those cheeks? It’s hard to tell with the lighting. “Seijuro…” Reiji heaves a long sigh. “Sheesh, this is so embarrassing.”

Seijuro chuckles. Serves Reiji right for teasing him. Reiji laughs too. “But I feel even more motivated to make this ‘spiracle’ better and to kick you ass with it one day.”

Seijuro nods. “Great. But first, you owe me lunch.”

Reiji cocks his head. “Huh?”

“For helping you with the test.” Seijuro can feel his stomach rumbling. Coming down to the hangar was supposed to be a quick check-in before lunch. It’s Reiji’s fault that he’s starving right now.

It doesn’t take long for Reiji to catch on. “Oh, okay. Can it be quick though? I really want to get back to—"

Seijuro interrupts Reiji with finger to Reiji’s lips. Reiji, his best friend, his idiot… He takes Reiji’s hand insistently. “Let’s go.”

He doesn’t explain that this lunch will not be a quick trip. He doesn’t explain that this lunch will be like their first date in a while. He’s not sure Reiji even knows they are kind of dating. But Reiji does concede. He lets Seijuro keep holding his hand and smiles sheepishly. “Yeah.”

Someday Seijuro might see a different kind of “spark” in Reiji’s eyes, but right now the one that Reiji has makes Seijuro happy enough.

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