Title: tea
Rating: G
Fandom: Atelier Arland series
Relationship: Totori Helmold/Mimi Houllier von Schwarzlang
Wordcount: 379
Short summary: This time, tea is shared just between Mimi and Totori.

“Is that cinnamon tea?”

“Do you want some too?”

“Yes, please.”

Mimi settles into her chair while Totori flits about to find another teacup. It’s not uncommon for Mimi to pop by in the middle of the day at a time appropriate for Totori to take a tea break, but recently these tea breaks have had too many other participants for Mimi’s liking. When it’s not Rorona and her Arland friends, it is Meruru and her Arls acquaintances or Lulua and her friends, or, even worse, a whole group of Homs. Mimi understands that Totori is quite attached to her group of Homs and that they work hard, but to have their tea time too… It’s a bit much.

So Mimi is really soaking in this peaceful atmosphere that consists of just the two of them. Totori has gotten better at taking breaks over the years…or rather, Mimi has gotten better at taking breaks leading to Totori taking more breaks. Which means Mimi doesn’t have to worry about Totori as much as she used to. Neither of them are overworking. As a bonus Totori has gotten better at making tea too.

Ah, the sweet and spice of cinnamon. Mimi inhales the tea in her cup, freshly poured by Totori, before bringing it to her lips. Maybe it’s just her imagination that makes it taste exquisite today. Maybe it’s the time they’ve had to spend apart recently due to Mimi’s travel that makes this moment feel special, a mundane moment in the midst of adventures. Maybe it’s the way that Totori smiles, the happiness that Totori radiates, her own bit of warmth and sweetness that adds to the tea too.

“You’re in a really good mood today, Mimi,” Totori comments as she grabs a biscuit and splits it in half, putting half of it on Mimi’s plate.

“Is that so?” Mimi keeps the teacup by her mouth, hiding her smile. Yes, she really is in a good mood right now. But she’s still not the type to admit those things readily out loud. She has her own image to maintain.

Besides, Totori already knows. Words can be spoken but are meaningless if they aren’t true. So as long as Totori knows how Mimi really feels… That’s all that matters, anyway.

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