Title: in between state
Rating: G
Fandom: Mahoyo
Relationship: Aozaki Aoko/Kuonji Alice/Sizuki Soujyuro
Wordcount: 240
Short summary: Soujyuro’s relationship with Aoko and Alice has moved a little bit towards…

“You just got paid, right Soujyuro?”

Soujyuro doesn’t bother to answer that question verbally, as Aoko has asked it rhetorically. He does roll his eyes, even if that means the collar around his neck tightens for a moment in retaliation. And then he orders the delivery service.

Alice just watches quietly, half-laying on top of Aoko. Even if Soujyuro is technically buying dinner in exchange for the tutoring Aoko gave him before exams, Alice also gets treated because she took care of their meals during the time. Both the willing tutoring and the willing meal-prepping… Soujyuro couldn’t have imagined any of this even a month ago.

It’s not that they are doting like the girls Kinomi rambles to him about or that they are less likely to take advantage of his willingness (which isn’t high, just more than theirs) to do chores around the mansion. He’s probably still more of a “pet” than a boyfriend. But there is a little bit more affection all around; sometimes a hand is held or a body pressed against another’s side even if there is space on the seat. For Soujyuro this is fine; he does feel the urge for more physically but mentally he isn’t quite…

But considering their personalities, Soujyuro isn’t too worried about the state of things. Things will happen at their own pace, and when the time comes for the next step… Soujyuro is sure that he will be there.

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