Title: loud and cute
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Relationship: Kurono Kiria/Oribe Tsubasa
Wordcount: 285
Short summary: Kiria teases Tsubasa (adoringly) about Tsubasa singing in the bath again.

“Singing in the bath again?” Kiria teases as Tsubasa steps out from the bathroom dressed in pajamas and wearing a towel around her wet hair. “Was it fun?”

“Y-yes…” Tsubasa’s cheeks turn pink at Kiria’s words. “Was I really loud?”

“Loud and cute, definitely,” Kiria replies as she grabs the hairdryer from the shelf. It’s part of their nightly ritual: one of them sits on the couch while the other blow-dries their hair.

“Can’t I just be cute?” Tsubasa pouts as she sits down, knees facing otherward, legs crossed on top of the cushion.

“Cute and lovely.”


Kiria removes the towel from Tsubasa’s head and starts up the hairdryer. She does the bare minimum drying in order to keep Tsubasa’s hair nice and smooth and not overheated.

“I love when you sing your heart out,” Kiria says quietly after the hairdryer is turned off and the only other noise is the low hum of the refrigerator. “It makes me love each song even more.”

“But I love them because they are your songs!” Tsubasa turns around to beam at Kiria. “And I love you!”

Kiria chuckles. “I love you too, Tsubasa.”

She leans in to kiss Tsubasa, only for Tsubasa to grab her by the shoulders in order to close the distance more quickly. It’s this energy, this passion that Kiria loves about Tsubasa.

For it’s easy to become tired and jaded in the entertainment industry, to “graduate” out of it to something less strenuous, something less burdensome. But if it means there’s another girl who becomes inspired, another girl who decides to keep going and keep dreaming, well…

Kiria herself is still wishing, still dreaming. And she doesn’t plan to stop anytime soon.

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