Title: spoiled girl
Rating: G
Fandom: Flowers
Relationship: Takasaki Chidori/Yaegaki Erika
Wordcount: 545
Short summary: A sick Chidori keeps asking for favors. Erika gives in to the one where she spoon-feeds Chidori some soup.
“Chidori, you know that I can’t walk, right?”
Erika is placating her partner who, upon falling sick with fever, has been confined to bed and thus begun voicing a mixture of complaints and unreasonable requests. No, Erika is not going to read out loud to someone who should be resting to recover from a cold faster. And she is certainly not going to fetch special things for Chidori. She needs both hands to wheel her chair around, and food is definitely not safe in her lap.
“Then you can just serve that to me…”
Chidori is referring to the food on the table, food that Suoh helped Erika bring to the room. Two bowls of soup, two bowls of pasta. A normal Chidori would probably complain about the meal being primarily carbohydrates. A sick Chidori apparently has other priorities.
Erika sighs. “You’ll have to get out of the bed, then.” She flicks her gaze over to Suoh. “Shirohane, please assist.”
Erika wheels herself to the table while Suoh helps Chidori out of her blankets and to the table. Suoh then adjusts the plates so they are both on the same side of the table.
Chidori has opened her mouth, waiting to be spoon-fed. Erika shakes her head, wondering how childish Chidori can really be, yet she also finds it cute. She takes a spoonful of soup and shoves it in.
“…Can’t you be nicer?” Chidori pouts.
Erika scoffs. “Do you want me to feed you or not?”
Still, Erika goes slower with the second spoon, making sure Chidori has plenty of time to adjust to the spoon. Chidori smiles happily after she swallows the contents.
This is going to take a while, but Erika decides she would rather have this Chidori than the one that would pout and complain, even if her own food will go cold. Sheesh, she has really become so softhearted…
Only when Erika finishes feeding Chidori all the soup does she remember that Suoh is still in the room, likely waiting to help Chidori back to the bed. She gives Suoh an apologetic look; Suoh returns it with a small smile. Maybe Suoh is thinking about how she would treat a sick Rikka or Mayuri...
“I think I’m sleepy now,” Chidori says before Erika starts on the pasta. Erika pauses, fork frozen in place, and makes sure Chidori really means that. For she does not want to have Chidori guided back to bed only to whine again.
When no more is said, Erika looks over to Suoh. Suoh nods and helps Chidori out of her chair and get back into bed. Chidori is obedient except for one thing.
“Kiss me goodnight.”
A moment of silence passes with Erika glaring down at Chidori. “You’re sick.”
“My forehead then.”
Erika looks over at Suoh. No words need to be exchanged. Once the door shuts after Suoh leaves, Erika lets out a long exhale.
“Alright. Goodnight, Chidori.”
She leans out of her wheelchair carefully to give Chidori the requested kiss. Chidori’s forehead is warm but not hot; hopefully with another long rest she’ll be back to normal. And Erika can have one less thing to worry about…
For now, she’ll go back to her food and eat her meal in peace.