Title: to fill her mind
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Arnice/Lilysse
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Arnice is unable to sleep even when she and Lilysse reunite.
Arnice figured once she and Lilysse reunited, that she would fall asleep in Lilysse’s arms completely relaxed, and that all her worries would melt away.
But instead, the moon is high up in the sky and Arnice is still awake. In her arms Lilysse snores lightly, the sound so cute that Arnice can’t help the soft smile that graces her lips.
She’s too excited; her blood is still pumping. After so many years, to be together once more… Maybe she just wants to capture every moment, to have so many to fill her mind…
…So she never breaks ever again.