Title: warmth
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Relationship: Hiiragi Asuka/Kurashiki Shiori
Wordcount: 305
Short summary: A sudden drop in temperatures leaves Shiori a little unprepared for the cold, but Asuka comes with warm tea prepared for her.

It’s late November and the cold temperatures have finally hit Tokyo after a rather balmy early half. Even if Shiori has put on a thicker pair of socks and a coat, she still finds herself shivering while waiting for Asuka at the station. She regrets not packing any handwarmers.

Just when she is about to make a move towards the nearby convenience store, she hears her name called out. A moment later, Asuka is in front of her, panting and face flushed.

“Sorry I’m late!” Asuka is wearing a scarf and gloves in addition to her fluffy jacket and thick socks. “I didn’t realize it was going to be so cold… you okay, Shiori?”

Shiori shivers just as another gust of wind blows cold air at them. She hugs herself tightly. “Just… a little…”

Asuka starts rummaging through her bag. “Have some tea… here you go.”

Shiori receives the blue thermos. “Thanks.” Just holding it in her hands makes her feel warmer. A sip of the warm tea only improves the situation. “It tastes like cinnamon?”

“Yes.” Asuka smiles. “I know you like it.”

Did Asuka make this tea with Shiori mind or…? Shiori shakes the thought from her mind. That would be a little intense for just friends, unless…

“Do you like it too?” She has to ask. She has to know if this means something more, something that could bloom into...

“Yes.” Asuka answers simply, and Shiori isn’t sure if she’s relieved or disappointed. But then Asuka adds, quietly, softly, “Because of you.”

And Shiori is stunned even further when Asuka takes the thermos back from Shiori and takes a sip out of the same container. This Asuka, who still can’t call Kou by his last name, just did something so bold? Then Shiori will…

Take Asuka’s hand and share warmth that way.

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