Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Adol/Geis 50 kisses challenge

1. good morning 2. good night 3. goodbye 4. where it hurts 5. where it doesn't hurt
6. on a falling tear 7. to shut them up 8. in secrecy 9. in public 10. desperately
11. in joy 12. in grief 13. discretely 14. casually 15. passionately
16. lazily 17. to distract 18. as encouragement 19. for luck 20. on a scar
21. on a place of insecurity 22. in a rush of adrenaline 23. in relief 24. in danger 25. as a 'yes'
26. as an apology 27. as a suggestion 28. as a lie 29. as a promise 30. as comfort
31. after a small rejection 32. to wake someone up 33. forcefully 34. to pretend 35. to gain something
36. to give up control 37. without a motive 38. because A is running out of time 39. because B is (running out of time) 40. because the world is ending
41. Because the world is saved 42. out of pride 43. out of greed 44. out of lust 45. out of anger
46. out of envy or jealousy 47. out of spite 48. out of habit 49. out of necessity 50. out of love

1. good morning \/

There’s one thing that indicates to Geis nowadays that it is morning, at least when Adol is with him. A press of warm lips against his own, sweet and gentle, for a lingering moment. And if Geis doesn’t open his eyes to meet those blue-gray ones, there’s a light tug on his outer ears, and then he definitely groans into the kiss.

“Good morning to you too,” Geis mumbles, lightly shoving Adol away so he can sit up.

Geis doesn’t even wake up to the sounds of birds anymore. It’s ridiculous but…he stopped worrying about this a long while.

2. good night \/

Geis knows what’s expected of him when Adol gives him that look, especially at this time of night, especially at this part of their routine. He never thought this would be so “essential” to Adol when they first started this…intimate relationship…but…

“You really don’t have to…”

Adol tugs on Geis’ sleeve insistently. Okay, okay. Adol is being impatient tonight. It’s not like Geis doesn’t want to kiss Adol good night, it’s just…

A little embarrassing, Geis thinks as he closes the distance between their lips, when Adol is so much better at…well…all of this romantic stuff…

4. where it hurts \/

When Geis’ lips press gently against the bandage around Adol’s left bicep, Adol knows that kiss is Geis’ way of telling him to heal from this injury quickly and not get hurt like that again, but it’s hard for Adol not to enjoy the kiss despite the message conveyed, to enjoy this brief show of Geis’ softer side. Maybe he chuckles too much in response, maybe it causes Geis to grumble with a light blush across his cheeks as he turns away and refuses to turn back around, but it’s totally worth it. Ah, Geis really is too cute sometimes.

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