Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Lloyd/Rean 50 kisses challenge

1. good morning 2. good night 3. goodbye 4. where it hurts 5. where it doesn't hurt
6. on a falling tear 7. to shut them up 8. in secrecy 9. in public 10. desperately
11. in joy 12. in grief 13. discretely 14. casually 15. passionately
16. lazily 17. to distract 18. as encouragement 19. for luck 20. on a scar
21. on a place of insecurity 22. in a rush of adrenaline 23. in relief 24. in danger 25. as a 'yes'
26. as an apology 27. as a suggestion 28. as a lie 29. as a promise 30. as comfort
31. after a small rejection 32. to wake someone up 33. forcefully 34. to pretend 35. to gain something
36. to give up control 37. without a motive 38. because A is running out of time 39. because B is (running out of time) 40. because the world is ending
41. Because the world is saved 42. out of pride 43. out of greed 44. out of lust 45. out of anger
46. out of envy or jealousy 47. out of spite 48. out of habit 49. out of necessity 50. out of love

1. good morning \/

Ash felt a gentle touch of lips to his forehead, his eyelids, his nose, and finally his mouth. He opened his eyes as Kurt pulled away with a soft smile.

“Mornin’, Kurt,” he murmured, his hand reaching up to caress Kurt’s cheek.

Kurt leaned into Ash’s touch. “Good morning, Ash.”

2. good night \/

Kurt was about to close his eyes when a finger tilted his face upward and lips descended on top of his. Kurt smiled into the kiss; Ash had finished his work on time to join Kurt in bed.

“’Night, Kurt,” Ash whispered as Kurt closed his eyes, succumbing to sleep.

3. goodbye \/

Instead of saying goodbye, Ash kissed Kurt long and hard. “This enough to tide you over?” he asked with a wry smile.

“That means you better come back,” Kurt replied, also instead of saying goodbye.

Kurt watched as Ash’s form disappeared into the distance, before turning around and heading home.

4. where it hurts \/

“Kurt, you don’t have to…”

Kurt ignored Ash’s protest by casting Tearal and kissing Ash’s arm where it hurt.

“I would’ve been fine,” Ash grumbled, though he was also smiling.

“I know,” Kurt replied. Still, he would acknowledge every injury Ash took defending him, no matter how big or small.

5. where it doesn't hurt \/

Ash knew about “kissing it better” but if the place was hurting already, wouldn’t putting more pressure cause it to hurt more?

Because when he kissed along Kurt’s pink sunburnt shoulder Kurt hissed, but when he kissed a stripe across Kurt’s still pale hip, he got a much better reaction...

6. on a falling tear \/

It wasn’t unusual for Ash to have a nightmare, although lately they had increased again. Ash probably had seen something that triggered bad memories on his last mission. All Kurt could do was kiss the tears that fell down Ash’s cheeks.

“It tickles,” Ash would complain, but Kurt wouldn’t stop.

7. to shut them up \/

“Stop it, Ash.”

Kurt was already blushing and Ash hadn’t even started on how much he liked that Kurt’s legs could...

Ash waggled his eyebrows “Make me.”


A second later, Ash was thoroughly shut up, Kurt’s hands on his face and Kurt’s mouth sealing his in a searing kiss.

8. in secrecy \/

When they first got together Kurt thought he would have to remind Ash to keep his hands to himself. Instead not much had changed outwardly.

“It’s none of their business,” Ash would say after he kissed Kurt softly.

Maybe soft was embarrassing to Ash, but Kurt really liked these kisses.

9. in public \/

“Sheesh Kurt. I thought we would have to scold Ash, not you.”

Juna was just trying to get to the tennis courts. She was happy for them, but she didn’t need to see Kurt kissing Ash like...

But when Kurt looked at her with those eyes... “Just not here, okay?”

10. desperately \/

Ash had been quiet at first to the news of Cedric, but Kurt knew this wasn’t Ash’s real reaction. It came later, right before bed.

“Don’t forget about me,” Ash’s desperate kiss seemed to say. As if Kurt could forget Ash.

Kurt clutched Ash’s shoulders, willing Ash to understand this...

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