Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Lloyd/Rean 50 kisses challenge

1. good morning 2. good night 3. goodbye 4. where it hurts 5. where it doesn't hurt
6. on a falling tear 7. to shut them up 8. in secrecy 9. in public 10. desperately
11. in joy 12. in grief 13. discretely 14. casually 15. passionately
16. lazily 17. to distract 18. as encouragement 19. for luck 20. on a scar
21. on a place of insecurity 22. in a rush of adrenaline 23. in relief 24. in danger 25. as a 'yes'
26. as an apology 27. as a suggestion 28. as a lie 29. as a promise 30. as comfort
31. after a small rejection 32. to wake someone up 33. forcefully 34. to pretend 35. to gain something
36. to give up control 37. without a motive 38. because A is running out of time 39. because B is (running out of time) 40. because the world is ending
41. Because the world is saved 42. out of pride 43. out of greed 44. out of lust 45. out of anger
46. out of envy or jealousy 47. out of spite 48. out of habit 49. out of necessity 50. out of love

1. good morning \/

When Lloyd wakes up to find the space next to him empty but still a little warm, he knows that there’s only one place Rean is likely to be. He sits up, stretches, and slips out of the bed quietly.

Yep, the light is on in the kitchen and sitting at the table with a mug of hot coffee in his right hand is Rean with his eyes closed, lost in thought.

Lloyd appreciates the serene expression on Rean’s face for a second before swiftly crossing the distance. Rean’s eyes open at the sound of Lloyd’s footsteps only to close again when Lloyd’s mouth presses against Rean’s mouth. Rean’s lips part easily, allowing Lloyd to taste the bitter coffee from inside Rean’s mouth.

A moment later Lloyd breaks the kiss, greeting Rean with his widest smile. “Good morning, Rean.”

Rean just responds by pulling Lloyd back in for another kiss.

2. good night \/

Rean doesn’t intend to return so late, never intended to return so late tonight, but sometimes unexpected things happen at work. When he opens the door to their place, he’s not surprised to see that Lloyd has already fallen asleep, although sleeping in that upright position wouldn’t be good for Lloyd’s back. Rean sighs and scoops Lloyd up from the couch. Lloyd grunts but doesn’t seem to awaken, not until Rean has laid him down on the bed.


Rean presses a soft kiss against Lloyd’s mouth. “Go back to sleep.”

“Oh.” Lloyd blinks cutely. If it wasn’t so late already Rean would have kissed him again, but he refrains. Instead Lloyd yawns and closes his eyes. “Good night, Rean.”

Rean joins Lloyd on the bed once he’s changed into his nightclothes, wrapping his arms around Lloyd loosely, holding Lloyd just close enough to feel Lloyd’s warmth.

“Good night, Lloyd.”

3. goodbye \/

It’s been a long day but the day is still not long enough, at least not for Rean. He waits with Lloyd at the train platform, keeping an arm around Lloyd’s waist even as the incoming train blares its horn.

“Rean, I have to go,” Lloyd says, shifting in Rean’s one-arm embrace.

Rean replies by bringing Lloyd close for a goodbye kiss. It’s long and deep, intending to steal both Lloyd’s breath as well as his mind for one last lingering impression. He feels Lloyd respond by gripping Rean’s coat, until the train horn sounds again. Then Rean is pushed back gently.

“I’ll message you when I get home,” Lloyd shouts as he runs onto the train. A moment later, the train pulls out of the station.

Rean touches his lips with his finger. Even if he knows he’ll see Lloyd again, it doesn’t mean separation won’t still be hard.

4. where it hurts \/

“Let me see that.”


Rean does his best to stand still as Lloyd carefully inspects his injury, biting his tongue as Lloyd pulls up the cloth of his sleeve to above his elbow. Although the Tearal spell has numbed most of the pain, if the elbow is dislocated…

“Lloyd?” Rean is surprised when Lloyd suddenly kneels.

“I hope this heals soon.”

The sensation of Lloyd’s lips as he kisses Rean’s elbow causes sparks to run up Rean’s arm but not of pain. It is rather pleasurable, actually. Rean blushes.

“That was okay?” Lloyd asks, looking up at Rean.


Rean smiles awkwardly. He doesn’t know how to ask Lloyd to do it again although he wants...

“That’s good.” Lloyd stands back up and smiles. “Let’s take a little break just to be sure before continuing on.”

Rean nods. He’ll need that time to get his head back on straight…

5. where it doesn't hurt \/

“Rean?" Lloyd is surprised when Rean grabs his right hand and looks ready to cast a healing arte. Yes, Lloyd had yelped a moment before, but it isn’t like his hand hurt. “I only nicked my pinky. You don’t have to...”

Rean pauses momentarily, then shifts from casting an arte to bringing Lloyd’s hand to his lips and kissing the fingertips, starting with Lloyd’s pinky. Lloyd shivers.

“I’m glad,” Rean simply says once he has finished kissing every finger. “I never want you to be hurt.”

Lloyd blushes. When Rean acts like this, Lloyd feels like he’s a princess from one of those stories he read to KeA when she was younger. He doesn’t mind being treated like this by Rean, but it’s kind of embarrassing…


Rean kisses Lloyd’s palm before letting go of Lloyd’s hand. “Shall we continue then?”

Lloyd nods, his cheeks still pink. “Yeah, let’s go.”

6. on a falling tear \/


Rean wakes up with his throat dry, his heart pounding. He saw that sight again, that form disappearing in front of him. Rean’s hands reach out blindly, trying to grasp anything solid, until they find Lloyd’s left arm.

“Rean, sorry I…” But Rean is already shaking his head. He doesn’t need apologies; Lloyd has done nothing wrong. Rean just had a bad dream and can’t help the tear that falls.

“Lloyd, I…”

Lloyd cups Rean’s face and presses his lips lightly against Rean’s wet cheek, catching the falling tear.

“I’m here for you no matter what, okay? And I’m not going to go down easy.”

“I know…” Rean murmurs, reaching for Lloyd. Lloyd climbs into his embrace, accepting Rean’s arms around him. Although Rean’s dream had nothing to do with Lloyd this time, even just holding Lloyd and feeling Lloyd is enough to chase away sad memories.

“Thank you.”

7. to shut them up \/

“Lloyd, have I told you how good you look?”

“Yes, Rean…” Lloyd is trying to get them back to his room without incident, but drunk Rean is quite the handful. Yes, everyone here knows about their relationship, but it’s not like Lloyd wants them to see this scene, especially not KeA… Thankfully Randy is pulling a solid and keeping the others occupied downstairs, but they really need to get inside Lloyd’s room before…

“Your arms are so strong,” Rean continues, his hands running up and down Lloyd’s biceps. “Your chest, perfect. Those abs, delicious. Those collarbones… I want to lick them.”

“Stop it Rean.” Lloyd feels his face heat up. Aidios, if KeA were to hear this…

“And your thighs are so...”

Lloyd can’t take it anymore. He pushes Rean against the door and kisses him quiet, hoping that Randy can continue to pull a solid for a bit longer…

8. in secrecy \/

When Lloyd nudges him an hour into the party, Rean follows, thinking Lloyd has something important to say. But after finding a secluded spot, Lloyd delivers a message without words. Instead Lloyd kisses Rean thoroughly, pressing Rean against the wall. He conveys longing, desire, jealousy… Rean too feels the same after months apart, sliding his arms around Lloyd to bring their bodies closer together. But when he’s about to slide his hands up under Lloyd’s shirt, Lloyd breaks the kiss and pushes back.

“Alright, let’s get back to the others.”

Rean is shocked as he watches Lloyd wipe his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Wait, Lloyd...” Did Lloyd really bring him here just for…

“You were the one who wanted to keep it quiet?”

Rean does remember saying that, but watching Lloyd walk away after just one kiss, Rean wonders if he might want to change his stance…

9. in public \/

Lloyd exhales in relief once he gets off stage. The speech went well enough and now he can relax in the backroom. There the other SSS members and his friends from all over greet him. One of them should be Rean, but Lloyd begins his debrief with Elie and doesn’t have time to look.

However Rean finds Lloyd and, to Lloyd’s surprise, thoroughly kisses him in front of everyone.

“Rean?” Lloyd murmurs, still in shock. Just yesterday they were still sneaking around…

Rean smiles. “I just want everyone to know that I love you.”

Lloyd blushes. “Did it really have to be everyone at once?” he grumbles.

“Less hassle.”

“Rean…” Lloyd sighs but he’s happy. He’s happy that they are finally open about their relationship with everyone who cares about them, and the gentle ribbing he hears the others give Rean suggests that everyone else is happy for them too.

14. casually \/

One moment Lloyd is pursing his lips as he examines the image of an orbal bike prototype, the next moment Lloyd has his lips pressed up against Rean’s. It’s just a brief touch but it disarms Lloyd; the magazine falls onto the couch carelessly as Lloyd is solely thinking about Rean now.

“What’s going on, Rean?”

“Nothing. You looked cute and I just wanted to kiss you.”

Lloyd laughs at Rean’s shy expression, the blush covering his cheeks. Who’s the one acting cute right now, he thinks to himself as he reaches out to touch Rean’s face.

“Well, then you can kiss me any time,” Lloyd says as his fingers slide into Rean’s hair, as their lips meet once more.

“I’ll remember that,” Rean murmurs as he settles down next to Lloyd and cuddles up against Lloyd’s side. Lloyd accepts this gesture gladly; he can always read that magazine later.

21. on a place of insecurity \/

“You’re staring again.”

Although Lloyd is already shirtless, Rean has yet to remove his collared shirt. Instead Rean is paused, staring at Lloyd’s chest. If it were any other person, Lloyd might think they were checking him out. But Rean’s fingers grip tightly on the second button, where underneath there is…

Rean looks down. “It’s just…”

Lloyd shakes his head. He closes the distance between them, gently moves Rean’s fingers aside, then the shirt material, revealing the scar. He traces the outside of it lightly before bringing his lips there to kiss it.

“There’s nothing wrong with your chest.”

Rean exhales. “I still wish it was as smooth as yours.”

Lloyd pulls back and gives Rean a small smile. “Well I’d like to be as physically strong as you, so let’s just appreciate what we both have.”

Lloyd knows that these words won’t be enough, but with time, maybe they’ll...

24. in danger \/

Rean doesn’t expect to get shoved against the wall and kissed so enthusiastically, but he closes his eyes and kisses back. With the sounds of footsteps getting closer, Rean knows the real reason behind this kiss from the normally sweet Lloyd, and Rean has to remind himself that this is just an act. Yes, it’s just an act to grab Lloyd’s jacket so tightly like he couldn’t wait until they got back to their hotel room to feel Lloyd against him.

A few minutes later, the footsteps fade out, Lloyd steps back and Rean whimpers unconsciously.

“I think they passed,” Lloyd says, wiping his mouth. Rean has to look away.

“Yeah. Let’s continue our search.”

They only take a few steps before Lloyd asks, “Are you okay Rean?”

“Yeah, sorry.”

Rean stubbornly stays ahead of Lloyd, hoping Lloyd doesn’t see how red his face still is from just one kiss.

37. without a motive \/

Rean enters the room, immediately spots his favorite mop of brown hair, and before he knows it, he is crossing the room like a moth to a shining light or a bee to a blooming flower. Because Lloyd seems to be glowing and his lips glistening and Rean finds himself wanting, needing, instinctively taking a taste.

Lloyd is smiling after the kiss. “What’s up, Rean?” he asks with a soft laugh.

Rean feels his heart swell. “Oh, nothing.”

He really did just cross a room to kiss Lloyd without a motive, without an agenda. Or maybe it was with so many motives; because he loves Lloyd, because he wants Lloyd, because he misses those lips... Because being with Lloyd is the best thing in his life.

“Thanks for being here, Lloyd,” Rean simply says as he leans in for another kiss.

“No need for thanks,” Lloyd chuckles as he accepts.

38. because Lloyd is running out of time \/

Lloyd knows that every time he gets into a fight there is no guarantee he’ll win or that he’ll even survive. Unfortunately it seems like this battle will be his last…


Lloyd can barely move to respond to Rean’s shout. It takes almost all of Lloyd’s energy just to bring Rean’s face close and kiss Rean one last time.

“I made a promise to take care of you.” He can feel tears on his cheeks. Are they from his eyes or from Rean’s?

“But Lloyd, without you…”

Lloyd smiles as much as he can. “I’m really happy that for once I could save you.”

“Don’t say that.”

“Rean…” Lloyd knows Rean wants to deny this ending. Lloyd would too if he were in Rean’s place. But Lloyd has no regrets. “I’m not sorry. I love you and…”

His eyes close and the last thing he feels is Rean’s warmth…

40. because the world is ending \/

Rean wants to scream. They’ve done everything they could do, but it isn’t enough. They couldn’t prevent the Recurrence and everything around them is disappearing. The sky, the ground, the air, their sense of time and space. It’s hard not to wallow in despair, but maybe in the next life, if their souls could meet again...

“At least I can have this last moment with you by my side.”

Rean tears his eyes away from the disappearing world, focuses on the man who is next to him, still holding his hand. At some point he won’t be able to feel it anymore.

“Yes… I love you Lloyd.”

Although Rean kisses Lloyd before Lloyd can say those words back, he knows Lloyd loves him too. He kisses Lloyd and Lloyd kisses back, hard and long, but the end is inevitable.

It may have all become nothing, but in that last moment…

43. out of greed \/

“Rean, that tickles.”


Lloyd laughs and Rean presses his smile into the crook of Lloyd’s neck.

It’s been a relaxed, quiet evening. Such an evening is rare considering their work schedules, but when Randy told Rean that Lloyd definitely would be free tonight, Rean had to take advantage. He’s missed being alone with Lloyd. He’s missed having time for quiet, drawn-out intimacy, where he can map every bump in Lloyd’s skin with his fingers and mouth, and Lloyd can respond with quiet laughter.

“Rean…” Lloyd murmurs. “Are you not tired yet?”

Tired? Why would Rean be tired?

“Of just…kissing…”

Rean laughs. “No way. I can never get enough of you.”

But he does pull back to look at Lloyd’s expression. To give him a grin. “Unless you want to do something more?”

Lloyd blushes. Rean chuckles before leaning back in for another kiss. Lloyd really is too cute…

44. out of lust \/

“Rean I’m gonna…mmph…”

Lloyd’s words are, for the hundredth? time, swallowed by Rean’s mouth. His lips are surely puffy and swollen from all the kissing but he can’t stop Rean; he doesn’t want to stop Rean. He’s nearly milked dry but somehow it still feels so good when Rean does that again, again, again…

It’s not like Lloyd was entirely unprepared for this. He figured tonight might be a long night and turned off his ARCUS ringer a while ago, but he hadn’t expected it to start so early. He hadn’t expected Rean to pull them away from the shore before sunset, to pull at his swimming trunks before they were inside. But maybe this couldn’t wait. Perhaps this was making up for never having a honeymoon until now.

“I won’t stop.”

Lloyd moans into Rean’s mouth as Rean hits the sweet spot once more.

“Yes… Don’t stop, Rean!”

48. out of habit \/

“Good morning, Lloyd.”

“Morning, Rean.”

With Lloyd joining Rean at the kitchen table for coffee, now the morning has truly begun. Rean has waited for Lloyd to stumble in with his cute sleepy face and messy hair, so he can press kisses all over…

“Rean, w—"

Rean cuts off Lloyd’s sleepy words with his mouth. Lloyd’s lips move clumsily against Rean’s but separate just enough for Rean to slip his tongue inside and… He’s startled by the sound of laughter. A familiar young woman’s voice…

Lloyd shoves Rean back lightly, his cheeks tinged red. “Rean…”

Rean smiles sheepishly. Likely Lloyd had been warning Rean about this before Rean dove in and…

“Sorry I forgot KeA was visiting. But I’m not sorry about kissing you.”

KeA giggles. “It’s okay. I’m used to this from you two.”


Rean should be embarrassed too, but he’s just loves Lloyd too much to care.

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