Title: (all this time)
Rating: T
Fandom: Buddy Mission Bond
Relationship: Aaron/Luke Williams
Wordcount: 600
Short summary: Luke provokes Aaron into “claiming” him after a long absence, but this time it goes a little differently…


Luke cries out as Aaron’s teeth sink into the junction between his neck and his left shoulder, deliberately bared for Aaron to claim. It’s been so long since Aaron has done this. Because generally Luke can be satisfied with the warmth of a body next to his. Or even just the anticipation of such in the near future. With Luke’s busy work life and Aaron’s traveling back and forth from Hasmari, even just Aaron’s scent can be enough. But sometimes Luke wants more. Especially if they can spend a few days together…

(Claim me. Ravage me. Devour me. I’m yours…your prey tonight.)



Luke has…tried to…bring it up a few times. Tried to be more…direct…but he’s always been too scared. The old bracelet remains around Luke’s wrist but Aaron’s wrist remains bare. Aaron’s fingers are bare, his neck is bare. It’s been three years already, and it seems Luke doesn’t make too good of a “predator”. Or Aaron is much better at playing the “prey”? It makes Luke worry that one day Aaron will leave and never come back, because he’ll find someone else…

“Stop thinking so hard, Doggie.”


Luke blinks. Aaron has stopped biting up Luke’s neck, has pulled back just to stare at Luke’s face. Luke’s heart sinks. Aaron runs on instinct, yes, but Luke hates that he’s so easy to read. That’s he’s already broken the mood he tried to set just a few minutes before.

(You’re supposed to make me forget…why…)

A thumb presses against Luke’s left cheek. It feels wet…is he crying?

“You’re mine.”


Aaron grumbles. “You’re mine. So don’t think about anyone else.”

Aaron looked…disappointed? Luke’s not sure; the expression was only there for a moment so he might have imagined it. “Aaron?”

Aaron shakes his head and then, as if something snaps, he’s moving, swiftly, sweeping in like a hawk. Luke is caught by surprise when lips take his own. This is…their first kiss. Three years and… Luke surrenders. He slides his hands into Aaron’s hair, deepening the kiss. His sinking heart is soaring once more. So all this time he had wanted Aaron to kiss him? Because at some level he wants to be claimed but deep down he’s a romantic at heart. He desires someone who would reach out for him, who would find him, who would then embrace him and love him…

Aaron has reached out for Luke, before. He has found and rescued Luke, before. But this is the first time that Aaron has embraced him so lovingly. Because they had been partners with a few…extra benefits. But now…


A smile against Luke’s lips. Fingers that move to push cloth aside gently, reverently. Slow and deliberate pressing of hips. Eyes filled to the brim with…affection.

(Ah…this is…)

This is…a deeper understanding. Satisfaction for both sides. There is no predator and no prey, not anymore.

This is…love. How did Luke read the situation so wrong for so long?


How long had Aaron waited? Was it just like…when he had waited for Luke to realize who he was?

“I’m sorry…”

“Shut up, idiot.”

Aaron won’t let Luke apologize, but Luke can at least attempt to make up for his idiocy until now. He’ll give Aaron his all, truly and completely. After all, they do have a few days together…

(I love you, Aaron… I’m yours…and you were mine, all this time…)

And they will have many more, in the future…

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