Title: our flowers
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Aluche Anatoria/Liliana Selphin
Wordcount: 320
Short summary: In an idle moment, Aluche catches Liliana thinking about the lavenders that they planted on the roof of Hotel Eterna.

“What’re you thinking about, Lilia?”

The light nudge causes Liliana to blink and realize that her mind had been in a different space, seeing baskets and buckets of purple. But here there is just the blue-tinted void with just Aluche beside her, looking at her with curiosity. “Just…about the lavenders we planted together on the roof of the hotel.”

Those tiny purple flowers that she and Aluche moved together to Hotel Eterna, as one of their last actions in the human world…

Aluche hums. “Oh, those? I bet they’re doing just fine.”


Perhaps Liliana shouldn’t be so surprised that Aluche already knows what really concerns her. They have become more in-sync being the only two alive in this space, but even before then Aluche had been pretty good at picking up on the things Liliana didn’t say…

“I’m sure Rue is keeping an eye on them. If not, they are strong, right? They survived the fiend infestation of the Academy after all.”

“Yes…” And of course, Aluche is right with a valid counterpoint. Because Liliana had always thought of flowers that only bloomed for a little while as fragile while Aluche always thought of them as proudly living in the moment, no matter how short or long. But there is still something else that Liliana is thinking about. Because the only purple here is her hair, and it’s not even the same shade.

“It’s more like how I won’t see them again.”

Aluche shakes her head. “Don’t say that.” She squeezes Liliana’s hand reassuringly. “Sure, we might have to wait…a while… And they might not be exactly the same flowers that we planted, but they’ll be there. No matter how long it takes. We’ll see our flowers again.”

“Al…” Liliana exhales and feels her burdens of the moment float away. “You’re right. I’ll believe in them.”

And in our friends, and in you. Together we will eventually…

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