Title: warm and grounded
Rating: G
Fandom: Odin Sphere
Relationship: Gwendolyn/Oswald
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: Gwendolyn muses on her life now, years after her life as a Valkyrie.

It takes a while to feel complete without the Valkyrie garb, without those feathers.

She had contemplated gathering feathers to reconstruct the outfit, but it would take a long time to do so. And even then the feathers wouldn’t serve a practical purpose. For she would never fly again. Even without those feathers, she no longer had the power within her. And also, well…

She no longer feels the need to fly. Because he no longer feels the need to brandish a sword. They get by with an axe and some knives, some arrows and her spear, now used exclusively to spear fish.

They live a quiet life, a humble life, as two humans in this vast revitalized land. There is no need to fight over petty things, over ownership of land or power when everything and nothing is theirs.

Besides, they have fought enough times already. Spending their time building something instead of destroying something is much more rewarding. Building their first home together, from sticks and stone. Building their first little farm, after lots of trials and errors. Building their first little family together…

It takes a while to adjust to this lifestyle but the result is much more fulfilling. For even when she flew as a Valkyrie she was always longing for something she could never have. The first time her wings were clipped it was a cruel punishment. She had raged and despaired, cursed and rebelled. Oswald’s love had made the second clipping much more bearable, because if that battle were to be her last moment, if she could at least see his face…

Thankfully that was not the end. Right now she is warm and grounded, surrounded with love. Even if the future brings more hardship, it’ll be fine, because she has all of this.

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