Title: < nothing >
Rating: G
Fandom: Amelie
Relationship: Lilika/Marian
Wordcount: 228
Short summary: Amelie <> nothing

So… Amelie thinks she’s escaped? She thinks she is free of Lilika? Of the mansion? That she can exist in the outside world, be with her lover, and live to see a happily ever after?

Amelie knows nothing.

Amelie had stayed inside this mansion waiting for her parents to return, cured of the plague. A plague that no longer existed but nevertheless Lilika said existed. What a lie that Amelie believed without question. Waiting for her parents to return? When Lilika herself had killed one of them? And Lilika serves Amelie as her one true friend? Another lie.

Amelie means nothing.

Lilika’s love for her mistress is the only reason for this whole farce. Her mistress wished for Amelie to be protected so Lilika “protected” her, keep her in this “safe” place. She only takes care of Amelie because it was her mistress’ wish. Yes, because of said wish Lilika exists here… For her mistress, Amelie has meaning, but for Lilika…

Amelie is nothing.

Amelie is only alive because Lilika allows it. She’ll learn that soon enough. Even if right now, Lilika has lost control of the situation and her current existence is being torn apart… Amelie will find out soon enough. Amelie will not be able to live for long, away from this mansion, with that dirty outsider. Because, by Lilika’s own will…

Amelie will become nothing.

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