Title: an unexpected treat
Rating: G
Fandom: Akiba's Beat
Relationship: Aihara Mizuki/Tachibana Asahi
Wordcount: 660
Short summary: Working from home leads to an unexpected treat for Mizuki.


With his headphones on and music playing, Mizuki figures that he’s just hearing things. It’s a weekday and it’s 10:30 AM. Usually at the office his boss might have stopped by for a check-in, but today he’s at home and the only other person here is Asahi, who should still be sleeping….right?

Mizuki is about to type some more when he hears footsteps, slippers against tile. He puts his laptop down, twists his body around and blinks twice at the sight. Yep, that’s Asahi alright, half-awake, rubbing his eyes with his right hand as if he’s the one who is surprised.

“Mizuki? Why are you still here?” Asahi asks. “It’s weird to see you still at home.”

Mizuki chuckles. “Well it’s weird to see you awake before noon,” he counters. “But anyway, I’m working from home.”

Speaking of which, he was in the middle of typing this report before Asahi arrived. He should get back to that. Asahi hums as he walks closer to the couch. “Did something happen?”

“Nah. I just didn’t feel like making the trip to the office when I could do everything on my computer remotely.” Mizuki flashes Asahi a reassuring smile. He’s not working on anything sensitive so it’s fine if Asahi catches a glimpse of his laptop screen. “Don’t worry, I cleared it with my boss.”

Asahi sits down next to Mizuki and yawns quietly. Mizuki can’t help but think how cute Asahi sounds, trying to muffle his sounds, trying to look more awake than he probably is.

“Hey, do you want something to drink?” Mizuki asks casually, double-checking that his last typed sentence makes sense. He doesn’t want to call Asahi out directly because Asahi is trying not to make his earlier than usual morning appearance a big deal, but he thinks maybe some sugar or heat could help Asahi out.

Asahi sighs. “I should be the one making something for you. Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

Mizuki laughs. “I’m not taking that scolding from you, NEET.”

“Former NEET.” Asahi huffs. Well, Asahi is technically correct. He will be starting a part-time job at the nearby model robot store soon. And that will require him to wake up before noon so maybe Asahi’s preparing…

“Ah, well, but I do feel like making something for you. So what do you want? Hot chocolate? Instant coffee? Soda?”

Mizuki chuckles. “I’m fine with water, thanks.” He’s not the sugar junkie like Asahi, not in the morning at least. “But since you’re up, maybe we can have breakfast together.”

Asahi frowns. “You haven’t eaten yet?” He shakes his head in disapproval. “Shouldn’t you eat before you start work?”

Mizuki looks away. “Well, I really wanted to get this done so…” And he’s almost done too. He just needs to…

Asahi’s hand lands on Mizuki’s left arm gently. “Okay. Stop. Take a break. Let’s go get breakfast right now.”

Mizuki nods. “Alright.” He just wants to finish this…

“No.” Asahi’s fingers tighten around Mizuki’s arm. “No more typing. Right now,” he insists.

Mizuki squeezes out that last sentence before saving the document and closing the laptop. “Yes sir.” He’s not too annoyed with Asahi because he is pretty hungry now. And, well, he just enjoys when Asahi asserts himself in a positive way. “Well? Where to?”

Asahi smiles. “Well if you don’t want to choose, how about that waffle place that Saki recommended?”

Mizuki gets up from the couch. He looks for his wallet. “Sounds good. Even if it’s too much sugar.”

Asahi laughs. “Ah, but you know you want it.”

Mizuki shakes his head. He doesn’t bother to respond to that verbally because a much sappier thought has popped into his head. Something much sweeter than these waffles that Asahi will order that will be covered in syrup and ice cream.

(I know I want more of you laughing and smiling like this.)

He smiles back, puts on his sneakers, and takes Asahi’s offered hand.

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