Title: before the show
Rating: G
Fandom: Kiseki, specifically Hajimari no Kiseki
Relationship: Swin Abel/Nadia Rayne
Wordcount: 400
Short summary: A moment between Nadia and Swin right before the show.

“Oh no, where did I put our tickets?”

Ever since the four of them received tickets for the upcoming Arc en Ciel performance, Nadia has been an excited tizzy. Even Lapis has been unable to keep up with Nadia’s energy today. As for Swin… He’s not exactly keeping up with Nadia’s energy per se, but rather he’s just staying calm. Just taking a moment to think, assess the situation, and piece together the things he knows about Nadia’s habits. Oh, the answer is obvious.

“Inside your stuffed teddy bear?” he guesses.

Nadia frowns. “Why would I have…” But she pulls out her teddy bear nonetheless and checks the back seam. “Oh, you’re right!”

She pulls out the 4 tickets with a flourish. “You’re so smart, Su-chan.”

Swin sighs. “You were so worried about losing them.” So much that you wouldn’t let Lapis put them in her trunk instead.

“Well, we’re finally going to see Ri-chan perform on stage with everything she’s got! Of course I don’t want us to get into any trouble to see it.”

Swin shakes his head. “I think we would have been fine either way…” As if the staff working at the theater wouldn’t just let the four of them through. A whole bunch of people have free admittance for the performance tonight as a thank you for assisting in Crossbell’s reindependence.

“And afterwards they said I could meet Ri-chan and the others backstage…” Nadia sighs happily. “Ah, isn’t it nice to be a VIP?”

Swin smiles. “Yeah.” He encourages Nadia to move forward with a light push. “Now let’s just get to our seats already.”

Nadia skips forward with glee, handing the attendant the tickets with a big grin on her face. They’ll find their assigned seats soon enough (Lapis and Rufus trail behind, but he’s not worried about them) but Swin wonders if Nadia will actually sit down… To his surprise Nadia pushes him down into his seat before sitting down next to him and leaning against him.

“And now a little nap before the show starts,” she says before closing her eyes and pretending to sleep. Well, she is at least resting, Swin thinks to himself as he adjusts his position to better accommodate her head against his shoulder. He’ll wake her up soon enough, but right now he’s fine with staying seated and keeping Nadia relaxed, safe and peaceful by his side.

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