Title: breakfast delivery
Rating: G
Fandom: Kiseki, specifically Kuro no Kiseki
Relationship: Van Arkride & Yume
Wordcount: 860
Short summary: When Van forgets to go downstairs for breakfast, he gets breakfast delivered to him instead.

The first thing he hears is the sound of his computer starting up. He settles into his chair and starts typing, looking into the latest news he can find with Renne’s latest Kitty engine update. The next thing he hears is a knock at the door.

“Who’s at the door?” Van gets out of his chair and finds his limbs feel a bit stiff. Also there’s something strange about the atmosphere. “I swear I smell something…”

A few seconds later the door swings open and a girl and a woman enter with two trays of food and drink. Ah, it’s the smell of freshly brewed coffee, hot butter toast, scrambled eggs and ham.

“Food delivery!” Yume exclaims as she sets the tray of food on the coffee table.

“Huh?” This is for him? Van swears he hadn’t ordered anything, but he does feel really hungry suddenly.

“Excuse us.” Paulette sets down a mug of coffee and a glass of milk. “We just brought up your breakfast since you didn’t come down for it.”

“Oh.” Van checks his Xipha and sees that it is already half-past 10. That explains his hunger. He had planned to do a quick check of the news but ended up thinking he’d search one more term until…this happened. “I guess I lost track of time.”

Yume stomps her right foot. “That’s not good! Breakfast is really important!”

Van smiles apologetically as he sits down on the couch. “I know. I’m sorry, Yume.”

“That’s why you should eat right now!”

And a moment later, Yume has shoved a fork into Van’s right hand. Van grasps onto it before it slips out and holds onto it tightly.

“Okay, okay. I got it.”

Van digs into the eggs first. Even if he eats food like this almost every day, it’s just as good as the last. And it certainly is giving him the energy he needs for the day. He sighs in satisfaction.

“Is everything alright?” Paulette asks quietly after Van reaches for the coffee, while Yume is busy rearranging the food on the table.

Van takes a small sip before answering. “Yeah, I’m just a little bit…” Busy? Not busy? Off-kilter? Van’s not sure. “But everything’s fine.”

At least Van thinks so. The number of 4spg requests have been low but he still has the search for the 8th genesis on his mind, so he’s not bored either. He’s had time to go drinking with Rene and Elaine, to watch some movies, and to catch up on his favorite car magazine issues. But after having so many people renting the rooms upstairs and working in his office, he might have gotten a bit bad at taking care of himself. He might have started to rely on them a bit too much.

Paulette bites her lip but decides not to ask more. Van is grateful as always for her discretion. Instead, she moves to the doorway. “Yume, bring down his dishes when he’s finished, alright?”

Yume nods. “Okay!”

After the door closes, Van turns his full attention onto Yume. She’s placed all the plates right in front of Van and moved the slices of ham next to the eggs, leaving one small plate empty. Van picks up his piece of toast and then looks over at Yume who is sitting across from him, swinging her legs as she waits.

“Well, do you want some of this too?” Van asks, tearing a small piece of his toast.

Yume shakes her head vigorously. “No. You must eat all of it.” She gives him a hard stare. “I’ll be watching to make sure!”

Van laughs. “Alright.” He puts the piece of toast in his mouth, makes sure to savor every bit of it. “Thanks, Yume.”

He needs to remember once again to be grateful, to not take advantage of his blessings. Especially after the events that occurred on the Revolution Anniversary, where he broke his promise to everyone…and only their will truly brought him back… A girl like Yume and a woman like Paulette shouldn’t be worrying like this.

“I really mean it,” he thinks to himself. But the best way to say that is to finish every crumb on food on his plate and every drop of liquid in his mug. So he does this under Yume’s watchful gaze, as she sips her glass of milk slowly. She finishes it just as he puts his fork down and wipes his mouth.

“Okay, Van. You pass.” Yume stands up, runs around the table and gives Van a light pat on the shoulder. “Don’t work too hard, okay? Gramps will get angry if you don’t show up for lunch.”

Van nods. “Got it.” He makes sure everything is on the tray for Yume to carry away before opening the door for her. “See you later, Yume.”

“Later Van!”

Van smiles as she energetically climbs down the stairs, humming something as she descends. Well, that was a very filling breakfast. Now it’s time to get back to work. He sits back down at his desk and starts typing once more.

(But before that he remembers to set an alarm, so he won’t miss lunch.)

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