Title: brunch
Rating: G
Fandom: Surge Concerto, specifically Ar nosurge
Relationship: Kanoyeel kkll Preciel/Nayaflask
Wordcount: 500
Short summary: Kanon returns from a morning bath to an all-out sweet breakfast feast, because of Nay.

“What is with all this food?”

Kanon could already smell the sweetness of syrup and chocolate even before she opened the door to her abode. What had greeted her was an obscene mountain of sweet foods: cakes of all types, small and large, plain and frosted, fried and baked and everything in between. She knows her sweet tooth is well-known among the populace, but surely there isn’t some event that she forgot about? She’s pretty sure her birthday is a few months away, and that Nay’s is also… Speaking of which…

“It’s brunch time!” Nay exclaims, popping out from behind the mountain of food wearing an apron. Oh, so Nay had been the one cooking all this while Kanon had been at the bath? She had thought it strange that Nay wasn’t in bed when she woke up this morning but thought maybe Nay had been summoned away by Renall for some task or other thing even though it was their scheduled day off. So Kanon is happy that Nay is here, but…

“Come on, don’t be shy!” Nay strips off her apron and flings it into the laundry basket. She grabs a fork. “Let’s eat! And eat!”

Kanon takes a step back. Nay’s enthusiasm is worrying. Are just the two of them eating…all of this? An amount of food that could feed 10 people? “I am not sure I can eat all this…”

Nay laughs. “It’s the spirit that counts! Since today is our day off, we sleep in, we have brunch, we pig out, we laze about…”

Kanon shakes her head. “This sounds worrisome…” Also, she’s pretty sure Nay didn’t sleep in, or how else could so much food appear?

Nay puts her fork down on an empty plate. She takes Kanon’s hands with her own, tangles their fingers. “It’s just for one day.” Her voice is quieter. “I promise.”

Kanon realizes just then how much Nay needs this. Things must be difficult right now in human society, enough to make Nay act out more than normal. Kanon wonders if she should contact Renall and offer some help. But right now the most supportive thing she can do is indulge Nay’s whims.

“Okay,” she says to Nay, squeezing those hands reassuringly.

Nay’s smile blooms into a full-out grin. “Though if it did go for two days, I wouldn’t mind…”

And just like that, Nay is back in a teasing mood. “Nay!”

Nay laughs. “I know, I know. Renall will get on my case if I don’t go back…” She slips her hands out of Kanon’s grip and picks her fork up again. “Well, anyway, enough talk! I can’t wait to dig into these pancakes!”

Kanon laughs quietly as she looks for her own fork. Maybe she’ll start with the waffles…or the donuts…? She’s not sure what to pick, but the sweetness of Nay’s smile will make everything taste that much better, so does it really matter?

(No, not really. Because with Nay right here, everything will be alright.)

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