Title: car rides
Rating: G
Fandom: Kiseki, specifically Kuro no Kiseki
Relationship: none
Wordcount: 1000
Short summary: Five car rides with Van, in 5 x 200 words.

“All done?” Van asks as he unlocks the door for Dingo.

Dingo nods. “Yeah. Let’s go,” he says as he gets back into Van’s pickup and secures himself with a seatbelt.

Van starts up the engine and resumes their trip around Edith’s outskirts for Dingo’s latest photography project. He’s not sure why pictures of nature are needed for a gossip rag. Maybe it’s not related to the magazine? It doesn’t seem like a bad project, whatever it is, and Dingo seems happy about it, which is good enough for Van.

A thought occurs to Van as he merges onto the highway. “Have you ever thought about learning to drive? And getting your own car?”

Dingo shakes his head. “I don’t usually have assignments like this. So trains and buses and subways are usually fine.” He shrugs. “With the occasional taxi.”

Dingo probably gets reimbursed for his taxi trips as a business expense, whereas Van runs his own business…

“Plus I would have to find somewhere to park a car.”

Van chuckles. “That’s true.” Not everyone has a garage like Van does. “Well I’m fine with driving you around. Just let me know when you need me.”

Dingo smiles. “Sure thing.”


“Take the next left and then the third right. It should be a brick-colored building.”

Quatre really gives driving directions the way an engineer directs his robots, Van thinks as he makes the left turn. He’s relied on Quatre for driving directions a few times before during emergencies, but even in this ordinary situation, Quatre speaks like this. He’s serious to a fault.


“Why are you looking at me like that?” Quatre asks, noticing Van’s gaze on him.

“I honestly think you would make a good car driver,” Van muses. Because Quatre is precise, methodical, good with machines...

Quatre sighs. “It’s not that I’m not interested. I’m still 15, remember? I need to be 18 to drive.”

Van chuckles. “Oh yeah.”

Quatre acts older than his age so often that Van sometimes forgets. And then Van almost doesn’t make the right turn.

“Van, the next right!”

“On it.”

Quatre shouts as Van swerves the pickup into the right lane. It’s a little risky but it ends up fine. Still Van senses this action made Quatre’s heartbeat jump. Quatre is a little unsteady when he exits the pickup, after all. Van sends an apologetic smile.

“Well, thanks, I guess. Later.”


“Sorry we’re asking a favor from you again!”

Van chuckles as Shahina and Sarah scramble into the middle seats of his pickup. “No worries. You two are still unfamiliar with Edith, right?”

Shahina and Sarah had made an impromptu visit to Old Town, culminating in lunch with Van at Montmart, when Shahina shot up suddenly and looked panicked at her Xipha. With apologies to Paulette, Van rushed Shahina and Sarah out of the café and to his pickup to drive them to Trion Tower in time for their rehearsal.

Sarah looks apologetic as she replies. “We are getting more used to it, but…”

Shahina nods. “Yeah. Between rehearsals and photoshoots and stuff, it’s hard to keep track of time. Especially if we want to make visits to Old Town to see you!”

Shahina winks and gives Sarah a nudge. Sarah gives her a glare.

“Shahina?” Sarah says, a hint of scolding in her voice.

Van shrugs. He’s not sure what’s going on but it’s probably just Shahina teasing Sarah like she tends to do and Sarah telling her to knock it off. “Well, I don’t mind driving you two around. A little more notice would be helpful, though.”

“Yes sir!”


“It’s been a while, right?”

“At least this time I get to sit in a seat.”

Van chuckles as Renne buckles herself in the front passenger seat. They are headed to Dirke Memorial Park to “get some rust off”. As if Renne could get rusty…

“Yeah. You’ve really grown. I’m not sure you can fit in that trunk anymore.”

Renne smiles slyly. “Not only that, I can properly wear a seatbelt and all. Soon I’ll be old enough to drive myself.”

Renne was just a child when Van first met her 5 years ago. Now she’s a “proper lady”. As for her age… 17?

“Well in that case… Wait, never mind.”

Van wouldn’t need to teach her; she likely already knows how to drive instictually, with her natural talent.

“Are you not going to trust me with your beloved pickup?”

“Of course I’d trust you. It’s just…” Van sighs. How can Renne be almost an adult already? “Time really does pass quickly.”

Renne laughs. “You’re not that old yet, Van.” She winks. “Don’t make Agnes sad.”

Van shrugs. He’s a bit confused but… “I suppose there is still a lot I have to learn and see.”

“Yes. So let’s go.”


“You are finally relaxing, Van.”

Van leans back into his seat and smiles.

“Yeah. I can relax if you are the one driving.”

Risette had offered to drive them back after Van yawned for the third time. He shouldn’t be this tired, but things have been busy lately…

Risette smiles back. “I’m honored.”

The driving is smooth, even. Van could probably go to sleep right now and wake up in his bed, all tucked in and everything.

“You don’t do any flashy maneuvers like that brat,” Van murmurs, “Or…”

“Or accidentally get into races with Z1 racers?” Risette interrupts with a teasing tone.

Van chuckles. “Well…”

He supposes he is, like many other car enthusiasts, not immune to the allure of a good race. And as for the incident… In Van’s opinion, Maxim was the one who started it by insulting his pickup.

“Well then, please rest, Van,” Risette says, her eyes not leaving the road. “Driving right now is the least I can do in return for everything you’ve done for us.”

Van knows she’s referring to more than tonight’s excursion. He’s never been good at accepting thanks, though.

So he turns it back. “Alright… Thanks, Risette.”

“You’re welcome.”

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