Title: coin laundry
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Relationship: Takahata Shio/Tokisaka Kou
Wordcount: 508
Short summary: Shio and Kou end up needing to do coin laundry after their clothes get all dirty rescuing some kids on a trail hike.

“Here, I got some coins.”


Kou takes the coins from Shio and inserts them into the slot, finally starting the washer. He then sighs. When he and Shio planned this short weekend trip to go hiking a bit further out from Tokyo than normal, they hadn’t planned to bring much stuff. After all, it was just one overnight stay and the weather forecast predicted sunny skies and no rain. But of course, sometimes accidents happen. Which has led to them needing to do an unplanned load of laundry at the hotel’s coin laundry.

“Didn’t expect to get so dirty on that hike, huh? That sure was an adventure.”

“Yeah. But at least everyone is safe.”

Kou and Shio had been taking the hike rather leisurely, mostly enjoying the climb in silence, when suddenly they heard a shout. Instincts took over and Kou was quick to react, sliding forward in order to catch one kid before she could start tumbling down the path. Of course Shio pursued and caught the other kid before the boy could get hurt. Which led to both of them caked in dirt from basically head to toe, and Shio had even worn a white T-shirt so…

“What’s wrong?”

Kou shakes his head. “Nothing. It’s just…your arms…”

Shio had changed from that white T-shirt to a sleeveless tank top, and Kou still can’t help himself from admiring those biceps, even if he has seen them before, traced them with his hands before and…

“Oh, those are just surface scratches. They don’t hurt at all.” Shio cocks his head when Kou blinks dumbly in response. “Unless it’s…something else?”

Kou blushes. “Yeah…”

Shio laughs. He surely has caught on to the reason for Kou’s embarrassment. “Well, if you want me to help you buff up, I can. But I think you look great the way you are.”

“Shio…” When Shio says stuff like that with such honesty, Kou can’t help but want to embrace him. Because Shio is surprisingly precious for a former hoodlum, for someone tall and muscular and visually imposing.

“I mean…” Shio now too blushes a little as he coughs. “You do look cute in my old shirt. But this isn’t really the place for...you know…”

It’s obvious what they are both thinking about. Just because no one else is in the coin laundry space doesn’t mean someone won’t come by. And while they are both better with being openly affectionate in public after dating for a few years, it’s not like they want to do things out here if they don’t have to.

“Yeah… Let’s just set an alarm and head back to our room.”

Besides, a private room is more comfortable. Especially if they want to get a little frisky…

“Sounds good.”

And so Kou sets an alarm on his Xiphone for 30 minutes before Shio leads him out of the room. They aren’t too far down the hallway so if they end up being a little delayed in switching their clothes out from washer to dryer, well…no one else knows.

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