Title: her pillow
Rating: G
Fandom: Surge Concerto, specifically Ar nosurge
Relationship: Delta Lanthanoir/Casty Riernoit
Wordcount: 350
Short summary: On their first day of vacation, Delta is quite awake but Casty is tired. They work something out, for now.

“You don’t want to go anywhere?”

Delta looks over at Casty who is lying on her side, curled up on the couch. She has changed out of her pajamas into her normal outfit but otherwise she hasn’t moved much. It concerns Delta that Casty is acting so lazy when she’s usually the one pushing him to go outside, to do things, to work hard… Although that was before they went to survey the new land on horseback.

“We’ve spent the last 2 months traveling.” Casty sighs loudly. “And I’m tired.”

“I guess that’s true.” Delta is…physically stronger than Casty so all that traveling probably wore her down more than him. Sometimes he forgets that with how strong she is mentally. But even the strongest people need to rest. Still, he’s always been someone who isn’t great at handling his own energy. So when he’s so awake like this…

“But staying in seems boring.”

Casty rolls her eyes. “Then clean the house. Learn to cook something besides chawan.” She yawns. “Or serve as my pillow.”

That last suggestion makes Delta perk up. Because it’s different from the usual “nagging” she does, and also…she really does look tired. But… “I don’t know if I’d make a soft enough pillow.”

Still Delta walks over to the couch and sits down. Casty inches herself closer to him, until her head is resting in his lap. “Don’t worry.” She giggles. “I like firm pillows.”

Delta laughs too. “If you say so.”

He runs his fingers over her long hair, softly and slowly, while Casty hums. He’s not sure he’s heard this melody before, but even if he’s heard it a 1000 times he’d still enjoy this soft tune. And he also enjoys when the humming turns into soft snores, into peaceful sleep.

“Sleep well, Casty. I’ll be here.”

He leans back into the couch and continues to stroke her hair, but with no urgency at all. Just being Casty’s support and comfort is enough to calm down Delta’s energy. He probably will wake her in a bit, but for now, he feels good.

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