Title: in a queue
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Relationship: Kurono Kiria/Oribe Tsubasa
Wordcount: 454
Short summary: Kiria is busy signing goods for fans when her biggest fan shows up.

“So you’re here.”

Kiria had been thinking that her phone was rather silent over the past few hours, even though she knew Tsubasa had the day off. Which usually meant Tsubasa would be busy sending her silly messages and photos every half hour or so when they weren’t spending time together, but apparently Tsubasa hadn’t been sending messages because she had been too busy standing in Kiria’s queue.

“Of course I am!” Tsubasa declares. She grins after placing the B3-size concert poster in front of Kiria to sign. “I am a huge fan of your work after all.”

Kiria sighs, although it is with fond exasperation. She debates where she wants to sign since this poster is likely going up in the entryway of their shared apartment. “I mean, it’s more the fact that I could sign these things at the office or at home…”

Tsubasa pouts. “But it’s not the same!” she objects. “Waiting in the queue is part of the experience.”

Kiria bites her lip. The lower left corner will probably be okay for signing. She touches the poster with the black marker. “I see…” she murmurs as she writes with her usual flourish.

“Besides, waiting this long just means that you’re popular and loved,” Tsubasa adds as Kiria caps her marker. “Because so many people will even wait hours just to get your signature.”

“I guess.” Kiria smiles as she hands the poster back to Tsubasa. “All I need is you though.”

“Kiria?” Tsubasa nearly drops the poster that Kiria just freshly signed but catches it before it can fall onto the ground. Her cheeks are tinged pink. “Don’t tell me you say that to every fan who asks for a signature?”

“No.” Kiria feels her smile turn a bit into a smirk. “Only to my biggest and most beloved.”


Kiria chuckles as Tsubasa fumbles with the poster once again. 20 years old already and Tsubasa is still so cute.

However the time for flirting with and flustering Tsubasa gets cut short as the usher brings the next person in the queue forward. Kiria will likely instead be the one who gets embarrassed next when Tsubasa inevitably posts a selfie of herself kissing the Kiria of the poster on Topic. But that’s a problem for the future.

“I’ll see you later then?” Kiria says as she says goodbye for now to her truly biggest and most beloved fan.

“Yeah! I’ll be waiting!”

Tsubasa all but skips out of the room, likely on her way back to their apartment to wait for Kiria. This thought bring another soft smile to Kiria’s face, because she knows what a nice welcome she’ll get at home. Just a few more hours until that time…

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