Title: money is...
Rating: G
Fandom: Ys
Relationship: Adol Christin/Geis
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: Geis finds out about Adol and Dogi’s money situation and can only shake his head…

Geis is slowly getting used to the pace of the adventurer life according to Adol and Dogi, but it doesn’t mean he particularly likes to go into something new unprepared. So when Adol speaks of traveling farther east beyond Garman, Geis asks how much money they have saved up. Adol blinks in confusion while Dogi just laughs.

“So you never actually save money,” Geis concludes. His mercenary instincts are screaming right now, but he manages to keep himself to gritting his teeth.

“Well, I do,” Dogi replies. “Sometimes. I just sent some back to Mams. But Adol gets into too much trouble to think about it.”

Adol just smiles sheepishly as he scratches the back of his head.

Geis barks out a laugh. “I can’t believe this.”

Geis really is traveling with two idiots. In a way Dogi is about as bad as Adol since he doesn’t actually have the money he’s saved on him. But at least he could possibly get a return from his “Mams”, whereas Adol likely lost so much on shipwrecks or other accidents that he never developed a money-saving habit. In contrast, Geis didn’t exactly leave his hometown for adventures. He just happened to fall into adventuring, like he did for Adol…

“So you should probably hold onto any money, if you actually want to keep it,” Dogi suggests, chuckling.

“Figures.” Geis sighs. “He’s lucky everyone likes him.”

Dogi grins. “I can agree with that.” He gives Adol a hearty pat on the back. “Right, Adol?”

Adol nods before flashing Geis a brilliant smile. Geis feels the heat of a blush creep over his cheeks. This guy…really is an idiot…

(And so is he, falling for this man with no sense. But at least Geis knows he should take care of their money, before…)

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