Title: morning after
Rating: T
Fandom: Kiseki, specifically Hajimari no Kiseki
Relationship: Sharon Kreuger/Sara Valenstein
Wordcount: 475
Short summary: Sara finds, instead of the dirty mugs from last night’s drinking, a perfectly clean table with just a teacup and a newspaper-reading Sharon.

Sara wakes up parched but not hungover, which is certainly something after remembering just how many mugs she had last night. She wanted to let loose and drink without abandon, and with Sharon across the table from her it wasn’t like she would have to worry about her drinking partner keeping up with her, although perhaps she isn’t hungover because she had at some point moved to sit on Sharon’s lap, or had Sharon pulled her in? And had Sharon given her something else besides beer to drink at the end of the night before she fell asleep? Well, it’ll be easier to find out once she surveys the scene from last night.

Except out in the dining area there’s a completely clean table with a sole occupant seated, with a cup of tea and a newspaper. It’s as if nothing had happened last night. Except Sara is sure a lot of things happened last night.

“Where are all the mugs?” she asks as she slides into the seat across from Sharon. She puts a hand to her forehead and has a flash of a scene from last night, to when there were at least 10 mugs on the table. “I swear last night…”

But then she blinks and the image from last night disappears. Damnit. Once again all she sees is this perfectly neat table with just tea and a gently smiling Sharon.

“Good morning, Sara.”

“Morning, Sharon…oh. I get it.” Halfway through her automatic response to Sharon’s greeting, Sara realizes that it’s mid-morning already. Sharon had let her sleep in, and in the meantime… “You’ve already done the dishes.”

Sharon laughs as she stands up. “Let me heat up your breakfast. Do you want coffee too?”

The thought of some caffeine to jolt her brain sounds like a great idea to Sara. “Yes! You’re the best.”

Sharon’s smile widens. “I live to please you, Sara.”

I live to please you, Sara. This vaguely sounds like something that was said last night too. Or was it months ago, that time Sara went drinking and got wasted and found Sharon in her room the next morning? Or was it before then, when they weren’t even friends and Sara wondered if Sharon would stop just being there at the wrong yet right time?

“Tell me that again when I’m a little more awake,” Sara finally says when she can’t figure out the answer.

Sharon laughs once more. “Understood.”

As Sara watches Sharon flit about the kitchen, some more flashes of last night come back to her. A hand on top of a hand, a breath against her neck, lips warm and soft… She blushes as the memories come back. Because oh, yes, Sharon certainly pleased her last night…in more ways than one…

And Sara had better return the favor, or else... But after she finishes breakfast.

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