Title: temporarily displaced but perfectly found
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Eirika/L'Arachel
Wordcount: 716
Short summary: Eirika finds L’Arachel in a moment of distress over…a piece of jewelry?

When Eirika enters the bedroom after her morning exercise, she’s not expecting to find L’Arachel scurrying about the room still not fully dressed. Usually L’Arachel is sitting with a book in hand, either reading or writing in said book, and stops her activity as soon as Eirika enters the room in order to greet Eirika with a blinding smile. Eirika would normally lean over and accept a kiss before taking L’Arachel’s hand, drawing L’Arachel to her feet, and leading them hand in hand to the nearby dining room to have breakfast.

But this time Eirika reaches out with her hand, trying her best not to startle L’Arachel as she touches L’Arachel’s right arm, gently, to catch her attention.

“L’Arachel, is everything alright? You look distressed.”

L’Arachel spins to face Eirika and Eirika can see the heat radiating off her face. “My love, I am indeed in distress! For I cannot find your forehead tiara.”

Eirika frowns. It makes sense that L’Arachel would be distressed over something missing since she is rather particular about items, but the item in question… “I don’t wear such an item?”

L’Arachel understands Eirika’s confusion right away. “I mean, the one you gifted me! I have looked all over and…”

Oh, L’Arachel is referring to the tiara she’s worn ever since they got married. Eirika supposes the tiara being “hers” makes sense to L’Arachel since she owns other tiaras, but it hadn’t occurred to Eirika until now to think about it that way, since once she gifted it to L’Arachel, in her mind it was L’Arachel’s. Because she would never ask for it back.

But semantics are not important right now. Finding the tiara takes priority. Eirika doesn’t doubt that L’Arachel has indeed been looking very hard and carefully, unlike Eirika who wears less jewelry, mostly just bracelets, a necklace, and her wedding ring. She changes her bracelets often since L’Arachel was rather fond of gifting such items to her, but…wait a second.

“Now that I think about it…” Eirika murmurs as she has a flashback to an hour ago, when she had been putting on her bracelets for the day. “Give me a moment.”

She steps around L’Arachel to reach her own jewelry box. Opening the lid, she scans over the pieces of jewelry randomly placed in said box before pulling out the silver item in the upper left corner.

L’Arachel gasps. “Did they…”

Eirika nods as she brings the tiara out into full view. “Well, I did think it was odd that I had a piece of jewelry I didn’t remember inside my box, but I thought maybe it was some surprise from you. Perhaps the maids misplaced it instead.”

After all, with the tiara placed the way it had been in the box, Eirika had mistaken it for a necklace.

“Oh! Thank goodness it was not lost!” L’Arachel exclaims. She lets out a big sigh of relief. Then she smiles blindingly at Eirika. “I will take this as another sign that everything of mine indeed belongs to you! Just like I vowed on our marriage day!”

Eirika chuckles. “Well, that’s not quite…” She’s happy to see L’Arachel in good spirits again. “But I’m glad we found it. Let me put it on you?”

Eirika thinks back to their wedding day, or the very first time she put said tiara on L’Arachel’s head. After they had exchanged vows, and rings, and kissed… Eirika had been a little shaky still, mostly from all the stress and excitement that came with a wedding, but every little touch of her fingers against L’Arachel’s forehead had made L’Arachel sigh so happily and…

“Yes, my love.”

And just like back then, L’Arachel is watching and waiting for Eirika with such love in her eyes. Perhaps Eirika should help L’Arachel put on her tiara more often… Perhaps she’ll suggest they add it to the morning routine. But right now Eirika focuses on affixing the tiara to L’Arachel’s head. First with her fingers, then with a kiss just to make it extra perfect.

She’s rewarded with a reply kiss from L’Arachel followed by L’Arachel leading them out of the room this time, with a big bounce to her step, and Eirika knows that despite the slight hiccup in the morning schedule, today will be another fine day.

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