Title: to the future
Rating: G
Fandom: GrimGrimoire
Relationship: Lillet Blan/Amoretta Virgine
Wordcount: 448
Short summary: Lillet, Amoretta, and preparing to move to a new home.

“Are you sure you have everything you need?”

Lillet looks over at Amoretta who seems to have very little stuff, at least In comparison to Lillet. Even if Amoretta was born at the magic academy, has only been an existence for about a year, surely she accumulated things from her old master Chartreuse, or from around the tower while Lillet was doing her studies?

But Amoretta nods without any reservations. “Yes. As long as I have my flask and you, I am wanting of nothing.”

Lillet smiles sheepishly. Maybe Amoretta means “you and your stuff” but didn’t want to bring attention to all the tomes and scrolls and books stuffed into Lillet’s bags. “Well, I hope that’s true. I rather keep you away from this place. I see how they look at you still, even though you are promised to me.”

And it’s not just Advocat that Lillet is worried about, although he is still the top contender. Because Amoretta is…beautiful with an amazing voice.

“I will go wherever you go,” Amoretta assures Lillet.

Lillet knows that to be true, and yet those words warm her heart once more. “Hopefully you will like the Royal capital,” she says, speaking for her feelings more than Amoretta’s perhaps. “I’m not familiar with the place but I think it’ll be a good place to make a nice and quieter life.”

Although not too quiet, as Gaff snorts. “Gaff, are you sure you want to come with us?”

“Of course! You two are a lot better than any of those other folks at this school. Plus, someone has to make sure you don’t die from starvation or whatever.”

Gaff laughs but Amoretta takes the comment seriously. “I will learn how to cook.”

Lillet giggles. “It’ll be fine! I’m not going to be so…” Okay, she has been pampered a bit as a prized student here, but it’s not like she suddenly forgot how to cook! She’s just been busy… “Well, anyway, I’m happy that you want to come along, Gaff. I’m sure you’ll also make some new friends at the capital. Anyway, are we ready to go?”

Amoretta nods once more. “Yes.”

Gaff gives a thumbs up. “Anytime!”

Lillet smiles. “Alright, let’s go then!”

The three of them hop onto the dragon that awaits them, with Amoretta sitting securely behind Lillet and Gaff in front. It’s so easy to handle a dragon now; how things have changed since Lillet came to the magic academy. But time…really passed quickly, in a sense. It was certainly a whirlwind of experiences.

And now she’s flying the dragon herself, moving to a new place, with her lover and her friend, to where a bright future awaits.

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