Title: catch
Rating: G
Fandom: Kindred Spirits on the Roof
Relationship: Amishima Matsuri/Inamoto Miyu
Wordcount: 350
Short summary: Matsuri had never expected to make it to the International scene, but with Miyu at her side...

“I am so TIRED…”

Matsuri flops down onto the nearest bed, facedown. After training all morning and all afternoon, Matsuri wants to do nothing but lay down for the remaining hours of said day. It was hard enough to stay upright during dinner; without Miyu’s poking perhaps Matsuri would have slumped underneath the table, lost to all...

“Don’t lay down like that, you’ll cramp your muscles.”

Matsuri manages to roll herself over and sees Miyu looking down at her with a small smile. Matsuri can’t help but smile back in return.

“Will you give me a massage?”

Miyu’s smile widens. “If you lay down properly… Maybe.”

It’s enough motivation for Matsuri to stretch out her limbs properly. Even this mattress that feels much harder than their futon at home is enough for the tired Matsuri. All of this, the travel to Hong Kong, the training, the big meet that will happen in a few days… At the age of 22, making it to the international stage for the first time… It’s much more than Matsuri expected, honestly.

At first, running was just something Matsuri enjoyed. Then it was something she and Miyu competed at, together. Then it was something that would let them move out of the house and live together independently. And now…

Sure she ran fast enough to get a college scholarship, but perhaps she underestimated her own running potential or Miyu’s coaching potential. It’s not like Matsuri didn’t listen to Miyu’s coaching advice before. But they’ve both grown a lot in college. And now it might be something that Matsuri could do professionally…



Miyu giggles. “You looked like you might be sleeping already. Did you not want that massage?”

“Of course I do!” Matsuri reaches out for Miyu’s hand. “I was just… Thinking.”

“About what?” Miyu grabs onto Matsuri’s hand, squeezes it.

“Us. Like this, again.”

“But we’ve just got here.” Miyu leans in to brush her lips against Matsuri’s. “Don’t run too far ahead.”

Matsuri laughs before bringing their lips together again. “Then catch me.”

Miyu takes hold, promptly, and Matsuri lets her, eagerly.

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