Title: occasionally
Rating: G
Fandom: Kuroko no Basket
Relationship: Akashi Seijurou/Mayuzumi Chihiro
Short summary: Chihiro refused Seijuurou's request to sing for him, but gives in by accident.

Ever since Mibuchi convinced Seijuurou one time to take the former starting Rakuzan 5 to karaoke, Chihiro has been bothered by a new request. For him to sing again, for Seijuurou’s ears.

Chihiro doesn’t hate singing and he doesn’t hate his singing voice, but… He only half-knows lyrics to opening songs of some recently aired anime, and he cannot pitch his voice high enough nor make that cutesy sound. So he refused for weeks to sing for Seijuurou, to give in to his boyfriend’s request.

But eventually, he gives in by accident. One night, when Seijuurou is stressed over his university assignments, Chihiro takes care of all the cooking and cleanup afterwards. Chihiro’s lost enough in his own world, figuring Seijuurou is soaking in the bath, that he doesn’t realize he’s singing while washing the dishes until arms wrap around his waist and a certain voice tickles his ear.

“I missed your nice tenor.”

Chihiro turns his head sharply, planning to glare at Seijuurou for that cheeky sounding comment, but when he sees such a soft smile across Seijuurou’s face, his own expression morphs into a smile as well. His very tired looking boyfriend looks in need of a lullaby. Perhaps Chihiro will give him that after all.

“Although maybe I should learn a song you actually like for next time,” he thinks quietly out loud.

Seijuurou laughs. “I’ll send you a list… tomorrow.”

It’s extra effort to guide a sleepy Seijuurou to bed while singing, when Seijuurou is half-clinging and half-pawing at Chihiro’s clothes, but when Chihiro looks down upon Seijuurou, relaxed and peacefully asleep, he thinks maybe it’s alright to do this occasionally.

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