Title: off to the side
Rating: G
Fandom: Gakuen Heaven, specifically Gakuen Heaven 2
Relationship: Asahina Yuuki/Minase Arata
Wordcount: 350
Short summary: Yuuki is asked by Yagami why he's off to the side at the party.

“Hey, Asahina.”

“What’s up, Yagami?”

Yuuki has just finished drinking a glass of juice when his red-headed classmate and friend greets him at the refreshments table. Somewhere in the middle of the room is Kuuya and Joker engaged in some kind of match, maybe with cards? It’s not like Yuuki has been paying any particular attention to that, though.

“You that hungry or…?”

Yuuki frowns in confusion at Yagami’s question. Yuuki’s appetite is a well-known fact among all the students, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone, let alone Yagami after a few months of being classmates, that Yuuki would be by the refreshments table?

Yagami coughs. “You used to be naturally the center of the party, but now it’s like we have to come and drag you out.”


Yuuki doesn’t think he’s not been participating, but… He tries to think about the last few events that have been hosted. While he has been the MC and/or has been the first participant, he supposes in the after parties he has someone he wants to talk to and be by more than anything else. After the diving confession event it was Arata. At the birthday party it was Arata. At the summer festival lite event it was Arata…

“Yeah.” Yagami laughs at the obvious realization dawning on Yuuki’s face. “But it’s not a bad thing per se. You look happy.”

Yuuki laughs sheepishly. “Well…” He looks over at Arata a few meters away, talking with Itou. Ever since Arata came back to school, and they had their confessions, and after that party they had begun their romantic relationship…

“I am happy.”

He can’t help the huge grin that spreads across his face. While it’s not always smooth as he and Arata still continue to learn about each other, every little moment has been something precious to Yuuki.

“Good. Now I better scram before he notices and calls me that awful nickname…”



Yuuki laughs once more as he watches Yagami get some light ribbing from Arata. Yes, that’s why he’s off to the side of the party… Off to Arata’s side…

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