Title: to the city (of love)
Rating: G
Fandom: Code Realize
Relationship: Cardia Beckford/Saint-Germain
Wordcount: 350
Short summary: They return again to Paris, but under much different circumstances.

She sleeps against his side, her head resting against his chest as he holds her close, shielding her somewhat from the bumpiness of the ride. There is no rush to wake her, for he could watch her in peaceful sleep as long as she wakes up eventually and smiles at him.

They have been traveling for some time, going from Europe to Africa to Asia and back. They visited the place where he was born. It’s something that was worth seeing again with the proper distance, with the proper support. There is no urge to see it again, though.

Once again Paris is the final destination of their trip, but their return to the city is under much different circumstances.

There isn’t a sense of despair or desperation. There is no threat looming over their heads, or insecurities, or misunderstandings. Well, at least none that Saint-Germain can sense. And even if there is a little danger, or a little worry, or a little misunderstanding, he trusts Cardia to tell him of these things just as he will tell her of any of his.

Because they are now married and they are now human, and while their lives may come to an end at some point, the time they will spend together from is more precious than an eternity alone.

London may be their "home” but Paris is their getaway. London has their friends and family, but in Paris… This time Cardia can wear whatever dress she fancies (he would buy her anything), and even if not (he wouldn’t care if she still wanted to dress more like a boy), he can still buy her flowers and put them in her hair, take her to the café by the park and order her any cake, watch the people of all ages and dispositions pass by…

And hold her hand freely, showing off the beautiful emerald ring. And kiss her cheek freely, showing off its adorable pink. And embrace her freely, showing off how much they fit together…

This time they will enjoy themselves to the fullest in the city of love.

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