Title: what if (whatever)
Rating: G
Fandom: even if TEMPEST
Relationship: Crius Castlerock & Tyril I Lister, background Anastasia Lynzel/Lucien Neuschburn
Short summary: Crius and Tyril meet up at the bar and chat about Anastasia and Lucien.

“Yo, Tyril.”


The bar feels less crowded than normal to Crius, or maybe it’s the fact that there is only 2 of them at the table. Not that Zenn had been with them that long, or Anastasia, or Lucien… They weren’t a group for more than a few days at most but yet…

Or maybe it’s the fact that things are mostly back to what it was before, with everyone doing their own work, and yet…

“How have things been?”

“You asked me that last time. Nothing’s changed on my end.”

Crius should have expected his clumsy attempt to start the conversation rolling would fall flat with Tyril as his partner, but at least the silence between them is not lingering. The scowl on Tyril’s face is his usual; he’s not particularly happy but he’s not particularly upset.

“Same here. It’s just quiet.”


Crius is not affected by Tyril’s piercing gaze in the way most people are, where they get scared and blurt out a confession. Instead it’s motivation for Crius to say what he actually wanted to talk to Tyril about.

“Okay I was going to ask about Lucien, but…” It doesn’t mean Crius is able to say it right.

“Something up with Red-hair?”

Crius laughs. Thankfully Tyril’s right on point. “Well… Where to start…”

Crius isn’t really one for gossip but as Anastasia’s superior, he’s aware of Anastasia’s ups and downs. He may not know what she’s thinking but he knows how she is feeling, sometimes better than she knows herself.

“Sometimes she looks at us like…”

Crius finds himself gesturing with his hands, the words hard to come out. Because it’s something between love and like, wanting and missing. It’s like wanting to touch someone’s cheek or brush their hair out of their eyes, but not wanting to kiss or embrace them.

He coughs. “She’s a lovely girl but…”

Would he be with her? In another timeline he supposedly was. But here he’s just been her supervisor and while he looks upon her well, the idea of being more is…

“Well I don’t really know her. And I don’t plan to know her better.”

Tyril’s words cut through Crius’ thoughts. Yes, that’s right. Tyril would be even more distant from the situation. Perhaps that makes Tyril lucky. Still, Crius can’t help but ask, “Do you think you’d get along?”

Tyril frowns. Since it’s not a scowl, Crius knows Tyril is taking Crius’ question seriously. Tyril’s frown deepens. “She’d probably be…”

Tyril trails off. They look at each other in silence for a while. Maybe this isn’t a thought Tyril has contemplated at all before now. Crius decides to try imagining Tyril and Anastasia together as a couple. Well, Tyril’s sharp tongue wouldn’t chase her off, nor his blunt criticisms or his hard work ethic… Instead she might stick closer, trying to learn and serve him better, and…

“Ah, but you do like ‘annoying’ types.”

“Shut up.”

Tyril is scowling again which means Crius is right. Crius laughs, taking pleasure in his small victory. But not for long.

“Well it doesn’t matter.” Crius feels better offloading on Tyril; he’s not here to tease Tyril too much. “She’s chosen Lucien, and once she makes a decision, it’s hard to change it.”

Tyril nods. They get another round of drinks and Crius assumes they have moved on to the next conversation topic, but then Tyril says, “Regarding Lucien, it’s none of my business what he and Anastasia and whomever have going on, other than to keep him safe.”

Crius blinks before remembering he did ask about Lucien first. Tyril often does this in their conversations, not leaving loose ends if he can help it.

“Yeah, that’s fair. I’ll do my part too.”

And hopefully now the conversation can shift. The beer that Crius drinks tastes better than usual, or his mood has significantly lightened. Well, whatever. That’s why he’s friends with Tyril.

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