Title: 100%
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Relationship: Kurono Kiria/Oribe Tsubasa
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: The Tsubasa that Kiria sees as a fan girl vs a super idol are completely different.

The Tsubasa that Kiria sees as a fan girl and the Tsubasa that Kiria sees as a super idol look completely different, like a caterpillar that metamorphosizes into a butterfly.

Kiria wonders if she too looks drastically different when she is being a fan of Tsubasa versus being a performer alongside Tsubasa. The others at Fortuna do tease her about becoming flustered by super idol Tsubasa’s presence, but Kiria is just overwhelmed. Tsubasa puts 120% energy into everything. That’s probably why Tsubasa has such a dramatic change when she transitions between states.

Nevertheless Kiria loves both sides of Tsubasa equally.

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