Title: a glimpse of a smile
Rating: G
Fandom: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Relationship: Shinonome Ryoko/Takamiya Yuki
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: That glimpse of a smile really takes Yuki aback.

“Yo, Shinonome.”


Perhaps Yuki has mostly seen Shinonome suffering extreme pain or extreme stress or extreme anger, but that glimpse of a smile really takes Yuki aback.

It’s not that Yuki thinks Shinonome is incapable of smiling. She’s heard how Shinonome and Sekigahara are childhood friends, and likely back when Shinonome was infatuated with Ida Tetsuya she gave him a smile or three. But the beauty of such a smile, such a genuine smile… The gentle tilt of the lips, a little hint of teeth, and more importantly how her eyes…

It’s breathtaking. It makes Yuki’s heart stutter. And before she understands why, she is already determined to see it once more.

Oh, she’ll understand why she wants to see that smile soon enough. Why she is not satisfied with just a glimpse every now and then. But right now, there’s one step to take.

“Shinonome, good work. Take these… uh, whatever these are. Don’t worry, I didn’t make them. Yakushiji did, so they are definitely edible.”

A nod and a glimpse… Of another smile.

“Thank you, Takamiya.”

Yuki gives her a grin in return. She walks out of the room, head held high. Yeah, that was good, indeed.

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