Title: a scene
Rating: G
Fandom: Perfect Gold
Relationship: Audrey Clary/Marion LaRue
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Audrey and Marion make their entrance into a social event. Audrey hopes there isn’t much drama about it.

There are whispers and obvious looks when Audrey makes her entrance. The people here are looking for something, a sign of weakness, a sign of shame. Audrey does her best to stay calm but perhaps she squeezes Marion’s hand a bit tight. Then again, Marion is gripping her hand just as tightly, definitely nervous as well from all the attention.

Audrey is used to this attention, being a Clary, and she does feel a little shame, or rather, embarrassment. She’s still a little embarrassed about the drama they caused in school last year that resulted in being sent to detention and everything that spiraled out of control after that… Then again being a Clary meant nothing could really be hidden.

That day, confronting Marion in the street, yelling and fighting with Marion, was one of the worst moments of her life. That day, hearing how Marion really felt about her, finding Marion’s hand and holding her once more, was one of the best moments of her life.

Perhaps they might cause another scene here, but Audrey hopes it is for a very different reason, a much less dramatic reason. She does like passion, but only if it’s from Marion’s love…

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