Title: come
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Relationship: Dorothea Arnault/Petra MacNeary
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: “Will you come?” Petra asks. Dorothea needs to know what that means.

“Will you come?”

Three words and yet Dorothea doesn’t know what those words mean. Come where? To here? To there? With her? Without her?

She doesn’t blame Petra for causing the unsteadiness in her heart. She can’t blame someone who is communicating with her to the best of her ability in a language that is not her own. She can’t blame Petra for any of this when Dorothea is doing all the over-thinking.

It’s just different when Petra asks. Dorothea cares when Petra asks, because she wants to do what Petra wants. She wants to want as much as Petra wants, no more and no less. She’s had her heart broken from wanting too much from someone and has broken the heart of someone she wanted too little from. And she wants neither of these things to happen with Petra.


“…Sorry, can you repeat that?”

Petra says it slower, which was not the issue Dorothea had before. But she also uses more arm motion, and all Dorothea sees is an invitation to come in. To come closer. She steps forward, closes the distance, grabs onto one hand, then the other.

“I will. Anytime, anywhere.”

She replies and Petra smiles.

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