Title: complicated
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Kasane’s feelings for Kyoka…it’s complicated.

Her heart skips a beat. Her cheeks take on a flush. She can’t help but feel warm inside and smile. All because of Kyoka.

Are her feelings a sign of love or just like? Are they romantic or just friendly?

The only one who has been more important and more present in her mind before was Naomi, and she knows her feelings for Kyoka are different than those she had for Naomi. Otherwise, she remembers a strange feeling towards Seto. Feeling a little flutter, a little fluster, the split between wanting to look and wanting to look away. She also has a little fondness for Yuito, but like a pet to take care of. Everyone else, like Arashi or Shiden or Kagero, are solidly friends and comrades.

She might have had a crush on Seto. She had wanted to ask Naomi more about it, since Naomi knew what liking someone romantically meant. She wishes she could ask Naomi about her feelings for Kyoka. Even if Arashi and company are her friends, well… They are also close or closer with Kyoka, so wouldn’t that make it awkward?

Why do feelings have to be so complicated? Kasane doesn’t hate it, just… Confused.

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