Title: dance (all day)
Rating: G
Fandom: Flowers
Relationship: Takasaki Chidori/Yaegaki Erika
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Erika is willing to watch Chidori dance all day now.

“Will you watch?”

“Of course. I’m here for you, partner.”

The practice room is stuffy but the things Erika will do for Chidori include watching Chidori dance over and over again. Really, it’s not a problem save for the heat. It’s been wonderful to see how Chidori has changed, as a connoisseur of the arts as well as someone who has grown to care for Chidori.

At first Chidori’s dancing was all technical, all about technique. Maybe it would be fine to put in an instructional video, to talk about body positions, balance, and speed. But nowadays…

Erika can admit she can watch Chidori all day now, not just because of her technical skills, but because her dancing makes Erika feel her heartbeat strongly. Not too fast as if she’s afraid or anxious, but not too slow as if she’s bored or tired. It feels just right.

And also, Chidori is taking ballet seriously because she loves it. Erika will admit that seeing Chidori actually happy instead of sullenly going through the days makes her happy as well. It’s a funny feeling, liking someone so much to wish them happiness. But Erika’s days are bright too, making it all worthwhile.

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