Title: dear, beloved
Rating: T
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Scherza/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: They used to call Scherza their Ice Queen, but Aria believes Scherza is only that on the outside.

They used to call Scherza their Ice Queen, Aria finds out years later, when the citizens of Vega finally accept and open up to their queen consort from that other, human world. And Aria doesn’t exactly disagree, because in many ways, Scherza is cool.

Her magic, for one, is ice. Even if it erupts out of anger, it’s cold and sharp, unsympathetic.

Her face, for two, is stern, although sharply beautiful. If one were to make an ice sculpture of that face, it would fit both its form and expression perfectly.

Her emotions, for three, are cool. Even when Scherza’s angry or disappointed, it does not flare out the way that her sister Lyria’s does. It seems even-keel, measured, hard to rouse, even in the darkest times.

But in one important way Scherza is warm. In the bedroom, when making love to Aria, Scherza is anything but cool. And it makes Aria wonder if the true Scherza is underneath all those layers of ice, layers built to protect the warm, soft heart underneath. If so, then this Scherza is the one that Aria wants to love, protect, cherish for the rest of her days.

This Scherza, her dear, beloved Scherza.

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