Title: defiant
Rating: G
Fandom: Kiseki, specifically after Ao no kiseki
Relationship: Rixia Mao/Shirley Orlando
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: To Rixia, Shirley defies gravity.

Every time Rixia encounters Shirley, she comes away more flustered than before.

She used to only feel anger. The first encounter should have been the last encounter, she would think as she suppressed her anger at what Shirley had done to injure Ilya. The second encounter was frosty from Rixia’s end, but from Shirley…

Shirley just laughed, smiled, and waved her hand like they were friendly acquaintances. “Rivals” maybe. It took Rixia by surprise, how much Shirley just…

Shirley literally defies gravity. She defies the situation like she doesn’t understand gravity. And it makes Rixia feel…

Like she’s floating too.

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