Title: don’t care
Rating: G
Fandom: Perfect Gold
Relationship: Audrey Clary/Marion LaRue
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Audrey might not care about appearances as much nowadays.

Audrey would shake her head at all the dirt that Marion is bringing inside the room, but really Audrey is not in much better shape. Because there was a kitten to rescue and a muddy field that had to be crossed before one could climb the tree, and without hesitation the two of them had went to save said kitten. Then Audrey applied a little healing before letting the kitten run off, before Marion realized they would be late for the meeting if they didn’t run back to the school.

There isn’t much time to do anything besides wash their faces and change their shoes. This isn’t a problem for Marion’s image since everyone is used to the “tomboy” Marion, but Audrey usually has a more “refined” look.

“You’ll be fine,” Marion says as Audrey frowns at the mirror, taking the opportunity to run her fingers through Audrey’s hair. “They know you’re dating me.”


Well, that’s true. Audrey has shown a lot more expressions to people ever since she started dating Marion. This look may be unexpected, but as long as Marion doesn’t mind, should Audrey really care?

When Marion smiles at her like that… Yeah, she doesn’t care.

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