Title: don't ever quit
Rating: G
Fandom: Sakura Wars
Relationship: Amamiya Sakura/Shinonome Hatsuho
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: “Quit” is a word that should not be part of Sakura’s vocabulary.

Hatsuho has two major sources of panic. One is when she feels she is not “worthy” enough and panics to become “worthy” once more. The other is when Sakura doesn’t deem herself “worthy” enough and Hatsuho panics to make sure Sakura knows she is actually “worthy”.

The way that Sakura temporarily “quit” the Imperial Flower Brigade still haunts Hatsuho. “Quit” is a word that should not be part of Sakura’s vocabulary. Without Sakura there would be no point in being here. Even if Hatsuho could become the next star, she wouldn’t want to do it without her best friend, her girlfriend, her partner.

When Hatsuho confesses how she feels to Sakura one evening, she’s greeted with a look of concern and a tight embrace. She’s held so tightly that she wonders if Sakura is trying to crush her, to make them truly into one being instead of two being sharing one heart.

“If you feel that way about me…” Sakura begins, slowly loosening the embrace, “then I feel the same about you.” She gives Hatsuho a stern look. “Don’t ever quit on yourself, on me, on us. Alright?”

Sakura’s intensity pierces Hatsuho’s core, sets her on fire. Hatsuho nods. “Alright.”

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