Title: dress up for…
Rating: G
Fandom: Suikoden, specifically Suikoden 3
Relationship: Chris Lightfellow/Lilly Pendragon
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Lilly still asks Chris about wearing a dress.

It’s been almost a decade since their first meeting and Lilly still asks Chris about wearing a dress. Any time the two of them are alone, she asks. It’s probably been 100 times at this point.

Honestly Chris doesn’t care for Lilly’s obsession with seeing her in a dress. She doesn’t hate the idea of a dress; she has no issue with appearing womanly when she’s not on duty. She just doesn’t like feeling restricted.

But knowing Lilly, the obsession is about Chris giving in, not the specific act.

So Chris won’t wear a dress, because it keeps Lilly asking.

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