Title: duels and duels
Rating: T
Fandom: Suikoden, specifically Suikoden 2
Relationship: Anita/Valeria
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: For Valeria, Anita is just the best match in a fight.

Valeria would say she dislikes quite a number of things about Anita, like her habit of flirting heavily after some drinks, especially if a man has given her them, being the top one. And Valeria’s list of likes is much smaller. But somehow it tips the scale.

Maybe because Valeria really just loves to fight and no one has been a better match than Anita.

They are just so evenly matched. Valeria never knows who will win each time they cross swords. And they started betting on it. Winner takes all.

So they duel, over and over again. Valeria wins sometimes, Anita wins sometimes, and sometimes it is truly a draw. But with winner takes all, it leads to a bedroom and the removal of clothes, mouths and hands everywhere. It changes who is in charge but the more they engage each other in this way, the more Valeria doesn’t care which role she takes. The duels after the duels are just as thrilling or even more so…

If the frequency in which Anita challenges Valeria and Valeria challenges back increases over time, if it becomes a near daily occurrence… Well it keeps Valeria in tip-top shape, in multiple ways...

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