Title: eat, eat, and drink
Rating: G
Fandom: Perfect Gold
Relationship: Audrey Clary/Marion LaRue
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: The Sunflower festival again, but this time there is no drama.

Finally it’s the Sunflower festival and this time there are no shenanigans, no drama. It’s just the two of them and their appetites for food, fun, and good company. Marion would say Audrey this year is the best company, because she is buying Marion all the suncakes and feeding them to her! What else can she ask of her girlfriend?

“What about something to drink? Maybe we could sit at a café and get some tea?”

“Mmm, but…”

Marion could keep eating these suncakes because they are so delicious, but Audrey is probably right. Marion should have something different or the deliciousness of the suncake will get diminished by overeating them. Plus a little quiet wouldn’t be bad, and some more time to hold hands without being bumped into would be nice…

“Alright, let’s go.”

“Thanks, Marion.” Audrey flashes Marion a grateful smile.

“No need for thanks!” Marion grins. “I think I’m thirsty anyway. You did feed me quite a few cakes.”

“I did indeed.” Audrey makes a show of checking her wallet. “But thankfully I saved up for this occasion.”

“I could have paid too, you know.” Marion nudges Audrey playfully. “Then it just means I’ll buy the drinks!”

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