Title: everything is already here
Rating: G
Fandom: Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Relationship: Bernkastel/Lambdadelta
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Lambdadelta gives Bernkastel everything she needs.

The problem with humans, Bernkastel thinks to herself as she observes Battler and Ange and even Beatrice, is that they want to live in a perfect world, and when the world isn’t perfect, they will be upset and throw tantrums until they can find it. If they can find it.

Meanwhile Bernkastel scoffs at the idea of a perfect world, of “paradise”. What is paradise but a place that will never exist? A world where everything is in harmony and everyone is happy is not possible. Because how can someone be happy without any sort of conflict? How does one not become bored out of their mind if there is nothing to fight?

The best world is a world of conflict, of arguments and games and trickery. Of battles that are fought even if they seem hopeless. Of arguments made even if they won’t solve the problem. Of competition so there is a reason to act, to try.

With peace there is nothing. Nothing to gain, nothing to covet, nothing to desire. It’s very human to be so shortsighted.

That’s why Bernkastel lives here where everything is a battle. She doesn’t want paradise, when Lambdadelta gives her everything she needs.

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